Why does stress cause this to happen?
January 5, 2010 11:11 AM

Can stress cause ingrown facial hair? Gross details (you were warned!) inside.

I was laid off from my job in November, and Christmas also came along shortly after that, so I have been experiencing some stress.

For the past two weeks I have also been experiencing some pretty annoying acne, and it's caused by ingrown hairs. The only relief I can get is by waiting for the tip of the hair to emerge from the skin, and pulling the whole damn thing out tweezers - shaving only prolongs the problem.

I noticed this happening the last time I was laid off from a job (about six years ago).

Why does stress cause ingrown facial hair to occur more easily?

As well, I should say that I ate all the bad foods over Christmas, I am overweight (which I think is a factor because of increased hormone production), I have low-grade folliculitis on my scalp and arms.
posted by KokuRyu to Health & Fitness (12 answers total)
Ok, totally invasive question here. Where is the acne showing up? Underarms, under breasts and/or groin area?

I'm not sure if stress could be causing your hairs to change, but your apocrine glands? Absolutley.

I pretty much ate my body weight in sugar in the last month and I am paying for it now...
posted by lootie777 at 11:15 AM on January 5, 2010

Sorry if this is a dumb question, because it seems too obvious, but is your shaving schedule/routine identical to when you were working? Like maybe while employed you shaved every day but now you shave every 2nd or 3rd day?
posted by peep at 11:31 AM on January 5, 2010

Man, people on MetaFilter are going to learn more about me than they every wanted to know, but...

The ingrown hairs occur along my jawline. I have also been getting some boils behind my ears and the back of my neck. Boils occur not in my armpits but just under them, as well as along my collarbone, and on my back (but not my shoulders so much). Folliculitis has been occurring more on my belly.
posted by KokuRyu at 11:32 AM on January 5, 2010

>is your shaving schedule/routine identical to when you were working? Like maybe while employed you shaved every day but now you shave every 2nd or 3rd day?

Actually, yeah, it has changed. I used to shave in the shower in the mornings before work. Now I might shower at midday, or in the evening. I also have switched to an electric razor.
posted by KokuRyu at 11:34 AM on January 5, 2010

It might not totally solve your problems, but I'd recommend switching back to your old shaving schedule / methods (not electric). I have a regular shaving routine, and my skin is pretty much okay, but I find if I am less diligent, and miss a day or two, I very quickly have problem with acne and ingrown hairs.
posted by where u at dawg at 11:39 AM on January 5, 2010

Also, there is a terrific product you can use to prep your skin. It helps to reduce ingrown hairs, and might also help with the boil situation.

Note: I am not a doctor, I am not your doctor. Follow the instructions on the bottle, because that product can burn if it's applied to tender bits.

And now for the really boring stuff - cut the sugar, cut simple carbs, and lose weight. I am in the same boat, as November and December were "eat as much crap as possible" months at work" and now my skin is really paying for it. I have all kinds of lovely blemishes popping up.

Another thing you might try for the boils is applying a steeped tea bag. I use black teas (earl grey to be exact), after letting them sit in warm/hot water for 10 minutes or so. Squeeze out the excess water and apply the wet tea bag to the affected area. It's an old wives remedy, but it does help calm any agitated areas down for me.
posted by lootie777 at 12:03 PM on January 5, 2010

Are you spending more time online now? I get jawline acne when I sit and stare at the computer too much while resting my head in my hand.
posted by SuperSquirrel at 12:03 PM on January 5, 2010

The electric razor is doing it. It will likely not happen as much once your skin gets accustomed to it.
posted by weapons-grade pandemonium at 12:08 PM on January 5, 2010

"For the past two weeks I have also been experiencing some pretty annoying acne, and it's caused by ingrown hairs. "

You might have this inverted. Stress gives me acne and a couple days of acne and I start getting ingrown beard hairs. I find in my cases that it helps greatly to just not shave. I only break out the razer when I have to and when not working go 2-5 days at a stretch without shaving.
posted by Mitheral at 3:12 PM on January 5, 2010

I'm pretty sure the recent use of an electric razor has something to do with it. Those things just don't exfoliate or clean your skin as well as a nice, hot, wet, lubricated shave with a fresh blade.
posted by jabberjaw at 6:46 PM on January 5, 2010

I have a very similar problem with ingrowns, but it's not stress-related. My (curly) hair has an annoying tendency to emerge, see its shadow, and plunge back in. Shaving often minimizes it. Letting it grow makes it horrible. Using an electrict razor is absolutely out of the question.
posted by klanawa at 10:31 PM on January 5, 2010

Something that helped me (and a couple of other people I know) was buying an electric beard trimmer and using it at the closest setting - you get perma-stubble but it helps keep hairs above the level of your skin. Otherwise previously OK hairs can get trapped.
posted by BinaryApe at 2:41 AM on January 6, 2010

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