Parting Phrases
January 2, 2010 10:32 PM

Help me out with a list of possible parting phrases for letters to replace the standard "Sincerely," "Yours," etc.

Foreign phrases, or phrases that resonate with a specific subculture or group, are ideal. Shalom, Ciao, Namaste, Hasta Luego, etc.

Ridiculous phrases that no one ever actually uses, but are fun, would also be okay. ("By Thor's Eternal Hammer," etc.)
posted by Number Used Once to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (66 answers total) 47 users marked this as a favorite
I remain, Sir, your Humble Servant,
meadowlark lime
posted by meadowlark lime at 10:33 PM on January 2, 2010

Non-foreign alternates:

All best,
Best regards,
posted by Optimus Chyme at 10:34 PM on January 2, 2010

Smell you later,
posted by showbiz_liz at 10:39 PM on January 2, 2010

Peace, Love, and Bobby Sherman
posted by Acacia at 10:41 PM on January 2, 2010

ta ta for now
posted by Kerasia at 10:41 PM on January 2, 2010

More seriously, a simple 'peace' works for stoners, Christians and pagans alike.
posted by showbiz_liz at 10:42 PM on January 2, 2010

posted by Crane Shot at 10:49 PM on January 2, 2010

Yours in Christ,

posted by loquax at 10:57 PM on January 2, 2010

Peace out!

C-Ya, Wouldn't want to B-ya!

Don't lose touch after graduation!
posted by drjimmy11 at 10:59 PM on January 2, 2010

Australians seem to frequently write "cheers". It shits me to tears. As does "regards".
posted by taff at 11:02 PM on January 2, 2010

Best wishes

Yours aye

Fond/Kind regards

Au revoir


Stay in touch

Much love

... surely an almost infinite list

Fwiw in my very formal education, in Britain many years ago, we were taught to use "Yours faithfully" for letters in which the salutation did not include a name (e.g. "Dear Sir") and "Yours sincerely" when a name was used ("Dear Mr. Smith".)
posted by anadem at 11:10 PM on January 2, 2010

Sometimes I just sign, "NATTIE OUT!" in all caps. Other times I'll say, END COMMUNICATION or END TRANSMISSION.

You can say those things in conversation, too. Don't listen to anyone who says otherwise.
posted by Nattie at 11:15 PM on January 2, 2010

Blessed Be (or shortened to B*B) is used by many Pagans.
posted by divabat at 11:16 PM on January 2, 2010

Every email I've ever seen from a member of the military has ended with "Very respectfully," or just "VR," I don't know if that's a written or unwritten rule or just something adopted by those I used to work with.

Personally, I prefer "Love and kisses,"
posted by cali59 at 11:20 PM on January 2, 2010

Catch you on the flip side.

People from Hawaii sometimes use Mahalo (basically means thanks, but also can be used as a form of goodbye.)

In more formal Spanish, you can use Atentamente (which literally means "Attentively").

Some more Spanish - close friends and family will often use Besos (Kisses).
posted by gudrun at 11:28 PM on January 2, 2010

For casual, friendly mails, I always go with Take care, but with more businessy mail, I usually say Thank you for your time.
posted by Ghidorah at 11:55 PM on January 2, 2010


Your Obedient Servant
(or, "Your Obedient Serpent" if the recipient is familiar with Beany & Cecil)

Kindest Regards

Best Fishes
(if you can draw, three little fish drawings after really drive the point home, plus it's a visual pun!)
posted by motown missile at 12:22 AM on January 3, 2010

A friend of mine used to host a college radio punk show that got a decent amount of jail mail. One of the letters I saw had the person signing off with
High fives and stage dives,

It's a little corny, but I always liked it.

Also, as much as Penny Arcade's smug, self-conscious writing style can annoy me at times, this sign-off is pretty amusing. Basically unusable, but still.
posted by Uppity Pigeon #2 at 12:25 AM on January 3, 2010

"Be well"
posted by guybrush_threepwood at 12:41 AM on January 3, 2010

Goodbye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu.
posted by MuffinMan at 1:10 AM on January 3, 2010

Yours etc.
posted by pewpew at 1:16 AM on January 3, 2010

"Love and other indoor sports,"

From 'Are You There God? It's Me Margaret' IIRC she sees an older babysitter use it at the end of a letter to the latter's boyfriend and starts using it not fully understanding what it means.
posted by TooFewShoes at 3:18 AM on January 3, 2010

Recently someone signed off an email to me "With purpose" which I thought was different.
posted by mlis at 3:31 AM on January 3, 2010

If you intend to communicate with the person again, the following two work:


[yourname] &

The unix-literate will recognize these two: they are both short for "detach from terminal", the unix shell equivalent of saying "talk to you later". Probably only works if the other party is unix-literate as well.
posted by knz at 3:33 AM on January 3, 2010

I'll catch ya on the flip side.

This is more often used in less formal occasions.
posted by twoleftfeet at 3:38 AM on January 3, 2010

Ciao bella/bello
posted by megatherium at 4:31 AM on January 3, 2010


posted by qwip at 4:39 AM on January 3, 2010

I sometimes use 'Anticipating your reply' or something along those lines.
posted by schmichael at 5:24 AM on January 3, 2010

Goodbye, farewell, auf wiedersehen, adieu.

If you want something like this, I strongly suggest you follow the Lawrence Welk Protocol to maximise potential for hidden in-jokiness:

"adios, au revoir, auf wiedersehen"
posted by Meatbomb at 5:27 AM on January 3, 2010

I like "Cordially"
posted by Shohn at 5:29 AM on January 3, 2010

"Cheers" covers any possible situation.

Your mum just died? Cheers. You just won the lottery? Cheers. Applying for a job? Cheers.
posted by wrok at 5:55 AM on January 3, 2010

I tend to use "toodles" a lot. An email friend cycles through "ta-ta", "L8TR T8TR", "later tater", or "type at your later".
posted by bluesapphires at 6:49 AM on January 3, 2010

All Good Things,

Tinkerty tonk,

Fuck off, you fucking fuck,

(be careful with that last one)
posted by scruss at 6:54 AM on January 3, 2010

I always write "Keep your nose clean" to friends.

I also occasionally sign letters as "Meathead" to really good friends. You can have that one for free.
posted by Alison at 7:05 AM on January 3, 2010

Yours Very Truly,

No Kings,

Til the Wheels Fall Off,
posted by seventyfour at 7:22 AM on January 3, 2010

Please remain favorably disposed towards your loving friend,
posted by StickyCarpet at 7:25 AM on January 3, 2010

Swedes use hälsningar, which translates roughly as "regards", but it's usually reserved for more formal business stuff. I personally use "cheers," "peace," "peace out bean sprout," "be safe" (especially for traveling international friends), "be well", "see you in hell!" (gotta be careful with that one sometimes) and "keep on rockin' in the free world".
posted by WidgetAlley at 7:39 AM on January 3, 2010

posted by TuffAustin at 7:45 AM on January 3, 2010

"Yours in struggle" or "¡Venceremos!" for that old-school leftist feeling.
posted by neroli at 7:49 AM on January 3, 2010

Professionally (in a non profit), I generally conclude with:
In Partnership
Best Regards
Kindest Regards
or (When it's not necessarily a nice letter)

I hafta be careful though, because I work with people with disabilities, and the G key and the T key are very close together on the keyboard.
posted by TomMelee at 8:04 AM on January 3, 2010

"Tar Tar" is Burmese for goodbye (or so I am told), and it sounds a lot like another farewell.

For a bit of Trek schmoopy I'd end with "I have been, and always shall be, your friend."

To be goofy I go with "That's the news and I am outta here," followed by a large scribble on the page (Dennis Miller's SNL signoff.) Or "YerEverLuvvingUncleHP."

Sometimes simple is better: Enjoy, Laters, Toodles, Be Seeing You (I always see Patrick McGoohan when I write that one.)

For formal letters I'd stick with "Respectfully," (lose the 'very' as it sounds too deferential) or "With Regards."

Seconding Nattie that any salutation written can and should be conversation-enders too. Makes life more interesting.

Catch you on the flipside of a floppy disk,

posted by Hardcore Poser at 8:08 AM on January 3, 2010

Later Tater
posted by spilon at 8:41 AM on January 3, 2010


Fight the power,
posted by elmer benson at 8:41 AM on January 3, 2010

France has a series of wonderfully formal letter conclusions to be used in place of "Sincerely" (in my perhaps limited understanding.)

Some samples from AskOxford:

Veuillez agréer, Monsieur, l’expression de mes sentiments distingués.
Je vous adresse, Madame, Monsieur, mes salutations distinguées.
Je vous prie de croire, Madame, en nos sentiments dévoués.

(I have received variations on these themes in letters from my bank, and always feel a little puffed up and important for a moment or two after reading.)

Less formally, you can use "Cordialement" or "Grosses bises," the latter for close friends and family.
posted by nicoleincanada at 8:51 AM on January 3, 2010

My aunt, who is a Methodist minister, uses "Blessings."
posted by apricot at 8:53 AM on January 3, 2010

You could go military with "over" or "over and out".
posted by wolfr at 9:45 AM on January 3, 2010

Ci parliamo is Italian for speak to you soon, more formally, "Le invio i miei piu' sinceri e cordiali saluti", which means best wishes, or "Attendo con fiducia una risposta", I trust to hear from you soon.
posted by ellieBOA at 11:02 AM on January 3, 2010

I like to try and end with something related to what I've written.

Hope you find the parting phrase you're looking for,
- dantekgeek


Stay Awesome,
- dantekgeek
posted by dantekgeek at 11:37 AM on January 3, 2010

posted by numberstation at 12:03 PM on January 3, 2010

Until next time.
posted by fizzix at 12:44 PM on January 3, 2010

Similar to meadowlark lime's answer up top: "I have the honor to be, most respectfully, your faithful servant." This could be broken into lines at the commas. Obviously for extremely formal use or as a joke with friends.
posted by bryon at 12:51 PM on January 3, 2010

I usually sign emails "Take Care"
posted by radioamy at 5:07 PM on January 3, 2010

GA (Written and spoken)

Giant scrawled heart (optional 'always' written after it).


posted by geek anachronism at 5:09 PM on January 3, 2010

Namaste reminded me of a few that I recall my zendo's administrator using in newsletters, etc.: "Gassho", the Japanese version of the hands-together bow, or "Palm to palm,"; or "with metta" (lovingkindness).
posted by mendel at 5:40 PM on January 3, 2010

And I can't forget "in solidarity", refrain of activists and union officials everywhere.
posted by mendel at 5:45 PM on January 3, 2010

Sorry about all the comments in a row, but I keep thinking of things right after I post.

The unix-literate will recognize these two

This reminded me -- on the "unix-literate" side, you've also got


(the "write and quit" command sequence from the ed and vi editors), and


(control-D, the end-of-file character), and thus also


"end-of-file" itself. It's an old Usenet shibboleth to stack those up, too, along with some other exit things -- end an email with, say:


and so on, the idea being that you can't figure out how to exit whatever editor you're in.

And if you're a PR geek instead of a Unix geek, there's

- 30 -

the standard ending of press releases. And on the legal side there's nothing as sweet as ending a love letter with

Govern yourself accordingly,
posted by mendel at 5:51 PM on January 3, 2010

First hit for the google search 'letter endings' .

I'm a big fan of 'best,' but you can't go wrong with 'Love, Luck, and Lollipops'.
posted by enfa at 6:19 PM on January 3, 2010

Take care
See ya
(Also, I love "peace out bean sprout" and I will be using that at the earliest opportunity.)
posted by zinfandel at 6:48 PM on January 3, 2010

To follow up on cali59's comment, above -

9 out of 10 military e-mails end in:


short for "Very Respectfully." I've never actually seen it spelled out.

I'm kind of partial to Willy Wonka myself. "I said Good Day to you sir! I said Good Day!!"

- AJ
posted by Alaska Jack at 8:20 PM on January 3, 2010

Find a line you like from a song. I sometimes write:

Keep your lamp trimmed and burnin'
posted by planetkyoto at 9:43 PM on January 3, 2010

Not exciting or exotic, but when I'm not super close to the person I almost always use any of the following:

Kindest, or
Kindly yours, or
Kind regards,
posted by ifjuly at 10:46 PM on January 3, 2010


Warm regards,
posted by sciencemandan at 11:26 PM on January 3, 2010

I like "bien à vous" which is loosely "yours truly" in French
posted by phrygius at 9:35 AM on January 4, 2010

The formal term for such a phrase is "complimentary close" or "valediction." The Wikipedia article on the subject offers some nice specimens of French flattery:
Veuillez agréer, Madame, Monsieur, l'expression de mes sentiments distingués.
("Please receive, Madam, Sir, the expression of my distinguished sentiments.")

Veuillez recevoir, Monsieur, mes sincères salutations.
("Please receive, Sir, my sincere salutations.")

Je vous prie de croire, Madame, à mes sentiments les meilleurs.
("I beg you to believe, Madam, in my best sentiments.")
Even if you'd prefer to crave your correspondent's good health in English, do try throwing in a little gratuitous Latin for maximum popinjay points:

An' it please you, sir, to allow me to pledge my infinite trust in your unmarred incorruption QVALIS AB INCEPTO, &c., while remaining

yr. servant,


posted by Iridic at 1:41 PM on January 4, 2010

For ridiculous phrases, I can't believe with that no one here mentions Lovecraft's letters. He has custom signoffs for practically every letter. Funny and self parodying. See Arkham House Letters Vols 1-5.
posted by supremefiction at 5:55 PM on January 4, 2010

I generally end letters with:

As always,

I have a friend who ends his letters with:

Keep your powder dry.

Emails tend to end as follows depending on whether its professional or to friends:

Thanks, (whether I've asked for anything or not)
Later gator,
posted by ephemerista at 12:26 PM on January 5, 2010

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