Help me remember a film?
December 26, 2009 6:58 PM

Help me remember a movie I saw?

I saw a film many years ago on Saturday Night at the Movies on TVO. I was too young to remember the title of the film, so with any luck, someone here on the great green can help me.

Here's what I remember: it was black and white film, a horror film, involved lots of betrayal and backstabbing, and in the climactic scene, a man sees the ghost of a woman outdoors in either a garden or a ruin. He's down below on the ground, and the ghost walks down from somewhere high, seemingly walking on air. She's dressed in a light coloured gown, very flowy and everything.

posted by LN to Media & Arts (5 answers total)
More. Who backstabbed? What era was it set in? Anything you can remember will help.
posted by esereth at 7:07 PM on December 26, 2009

The man was the backstabber, possibly the woman ghost was a prior victim of his. To
seven-year-old me, it looked like it was set in the thirties, but it's entirely possible it was set as late as the sixties. It was definitely a talkie, so silent films are out. Does that help any?
posted by LN at 7:09 PM on December 26, 2009

Sounds a bit like Lady in White, which was made in 1988, and is set in 1962.
posted by gudrun at 11:20 PM on December 26, 2009

posted by iwhitney at 6:51 AM on December 27, 2009

Like iwhitney said, it sounds a bit like Tormented (five-minute preview). The climactic scene (MST'd version, the climax is about 3:30 in) takes place in an abandoned lighthouse, but the main character is at the top of the lighthouse, not on ground level... well, until after the climax, anyway.
posted by cog_nate at 8:28 AM on December 27, 2009

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