New Year's celebrations in McDonalds?
December 15, 2009 2:54 PM

Where will we be able to eat dinner in Vienna on 31 December without pre-booking?

Mrs aqsakal and I are going to Vienna over the New Year break, courtesy of our fabulous son who bought us two tickets to the fabulous concert at the Opera. But it has just occurred to us that we shall arrive late on 30 December, and have no idea where we will find a seat at a restaurant the following evening.

Where we live (in Rome) it would be totally crazy to expect to be able to find a table for two on 31 December evening without having booked at least a week in advance. Will it be the same in Vienna? Or are we worrying over nothing? Are we doomed to celebrating with a Big Mac and double fries, and our own champagne smuggled in in a brown paper bag kept under the table? Does any kind Austria-based MeFite have any advice?
posted by aqsakal to Travel & Transportation (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
While I'm not convinced that it's entirely impossible, it will take a lot of trying, and you'll add a lot of needless stress to your visit by trying to find a reservation after arriving.

I presume you already have a hotel? They should be able suggest places that fit your tastes and price frame and probably even make the reservation for you.

If you're feeling adventurous, this is the web site of the leading local restaurant guide. Google Translate works pretty well. All better places have web sites and email addresses, I've even found new year's reservation forms e.g. here (no affiliation, just early in the alphabet and near the place I live). The people from the last link told me their reservations are just filling up, so I guess it would be best to start looking soon.
posted by themel at 4:36 AM on December 16, 2009

Thanks, themel. In a word, it's going to be about as bad as we suspected, and we should have thought of this a month or two back!

Your Lokalführer link was useful, as we both have Hochdeutsch, although we are struggling a little with Austrian :-) . Artner looks good, too, and not as expensive as we had feared. Many thanks for checking it out! Mrs aqsakal has meanwhile also found a Danube boat trip to Bratislava and back with dinner at €100 per head :-( .

I guess we're going to have to go with whatever we can find still available on the net - no matter, it'll be an adventure whatever happens.

Best Christmas and NY wishes to you and all MeFites.
posted by aqsakal at 9:49 AM on December 17, 2009

Reporting back on return to base: we had an absolutely first-class meal in an almost empty Indian restaurant in Josephstadt and then enjoyed the fireworks at the Prater!
posted by aqsakal at 3:12 AM on January 4, 2010

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