Help me find a comedy bit about gay marriage?
December 2, 2009 8:21 PM

Help me find a comedy bit about gay marriage?

I remember hearing or (less likely) reading a comedian talk about gay marriage and how when the U.S. finally accepts it we'll be all self-congratulatory about it in a 'USA is #1' kind of way. Then it went on to talk about all the times other counties had 'beaten' the US to civil rights - I specifically remember a mention of how England eliminated slavery via a vote of parliament years before the US fought the civil war. I've been going through a Patton Oswalt phase - I can't find it in any of the stuff of his that I have but I haven't been exhaustive so he's still a possible. More likely it's someone I found on YouTube, probably via a link from an Oswalt bit. Dan Savage is another possible source but I haven't been able to find it via google.

Help? It's like one of those ear worm songs that you can't quite remember but can't get out of your head.
posted by macfly to Media & Arts (3 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Was it possibly from John Oliver's audio podcast The Bugle? They frequently do funny England vs USA bits.
posted by sharkfu at 8:36 PM on December 2, 2009

I don't recall ever listening to that podcast (although I like John Oliver so now I have to go look it up). Also, it was definitely an comic from the US - the England example was just one that I remember but I think there were several examples given from various countries.
posted by macfly at 12:59 PM on December 3, 2009

I knew this would happen. Found it - it was Dan Savage after all.
posted by macfly at 7:16 PM on December 3, 2009

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