Gaming video card heatsink help?
January 6, 2005 5:05 PM

GamingNerdFilter: Does anyone know if the Zalman VF700-Cu heatsink fits into an SLI configuration? Bonus points if you you can confirm that the CNPS7700-Cu CPU heatink will fit on an ASUS A8N-SLI-DELUXE motherboard with a pair of SLI cards fitted with the aformentioned heatsinks.
posted by krisjohn to Computers & Internet (5 answers total)
That heatsink is truly massive. for a few minutes I thought that was a cpu cooler. Anyway, I think your best bet would be to send an email to Zalman, Asus and your video card manufacturer. Worked for me when I had issues with a rather large cpu heatsink. Not always the fastest, but their tech guys should know, ASUS has been pretty helpful to me.

You might want to look for a card that has decent cooling out of the box, I'm running an ASUS 9800xt, which has two fans on the main board side and a very large copper plate on the back. But you'll probably be running something newer.

Aside from that, is an amazing resource for this kind of question.

Hope some of that helped.
posted by efalk at 7:05 PM on January 6, 2005

Oh, by the way, I would send one copy of the email, if you do, cc'd to the interested parties. Also state in the email that everyone is getting a copy.
In my experience, this got a bit of attention, as some companies will tend to say, we just build the coller, check with the board company and on and on.
posted by efalk at 7:28 PM on January 6, 2005

cooler, that is.
posted by efalk at 7:29 PM on January 6, 2005

some companies will tend to say, we just build the cooler

Yeah, that's why I was hoping to find an enthusiast who'd already put together this combination.

One thing making this very likely is that Asus' motherboard has an extra space between the two SLI cards. So, basically two cards will take up six slots.
posted by krisjohn at 7:52 PM on January 6, 2005

That is the downside to SLI, you lose pci slots. I've found through building my own computer for the first time, it's a bit hard to meet someone with the exact same combination of more that two main parts. Different strokes, I suppose.

But, if you haven't tried Tom's, I would highly suggest it, the regulars on those boards are very knowledgeable, and responses are usually pretty fast.

Good luck with the computer building :)
posted by efalk at 9:48 PM on January 6, 2005

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