Where can I find a copy of a classroom discussion activity where you are forced to save 6-8 people in an apocalypse to start a new society?
October 11, 2009 10:37 PM

I remember doing a discussion activity/thought experiment in high school where we had to choose 6-8 people from a list (e.g. pregnant teen, scientist, priest, stay-at-home mom, doctor) to save in a nuclear apocalypse and justify our decision. There was a paper handout associated with the activity, and I'm pretty sure my teacher didn't write it himself, because I've talked to friends who've done the same thing in a different context (church groups, retreats, etc. ). I'm looking for a link to a copy of this activity, or a place where I'd be able to find it.
posted by jeisme to Education (3 answers total) 6 users marked this as a favorite
It's called The Fallout Shelter Problem.

That's just one version, a Google search will reveal different lists of people.
posted by cabbages at 11:00 PM on October 11, 2009

Looks like some variants are less apocalyptic.

I was just recently thinking about this - I can't quite remember the context of mine, although I swear it was a hot-air balloon, rather than a fallout shelter or lifeboat, but I do remember getting into a relatively vicious argument regarding the character 'a physician who has performed abortions.' I did this at some Girl Scout retreat for older scouts.
posted by cobaltnine at 6:36 AM on October 12, 2009

I did something like this when I took English lessons. I have it scanned, it was probably photocopied from a book by the teacher. Check your mefimail.
posted by natalinha at 9:07 AM on October 12, 2009

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