Where can I go to use skype in London from 11pm GMT tomorrow onwards?
September 29, 2009 7:46 AM

I can't get skype working on my Ubuntu machine. Where can I go to use skype in London from 11pm GMT tomorrow onwards? Is there a suitably equipped internet cafe open then?

I know I could probably get it working on 'buntu with a bit of time, but I'm too busy 'tween now and then.

So any good public computers or creative solutions?

They will obviously need to reliably have an ok headset and skype installed.
posted by Not Supplied to Grab Bag (7 answers total)
As an alternate solution, do you have a mobile phone that you can install fring on?
posted by Gomez_in_the_South at 8:01 AM on September 29, 2009

11pm GMT is Midnight localtime (BST), which is going to limit your options somewhat, however Netstream is open 24/7 and based in Soho, so a nice central location. (You don't say where you are so there might be something more local to you).

Probably best to call first to check about the headset & Skype.
posted by dirm at 8:09 AM on September 29, 2009

Thanks for noticing..I mean 'london time' so 11 bst not gmt.

Will call that netcafe.

I can actually put skype or fring on my Iphone, so that could be a good option. Anyone know how reliable this is?

And I spose another good question would be where's a reliable wifi spot at 11 uk time that's not too noisy?

posted by Not Supplied at 10:46 AM on September 29, 2009

Central londons probably a safe bet..I could also do se or ne London on my travels though.
posted by Not Supplied at 10:50 AM on September 29, 2009

The Mepis Live CD has skype installed, you could try downloading the cd and rebooting and see if it works out of the box.
posted by zentrification at 10:59 AM on September 29, 2009

not just your iphone but I had an easy time using Skype on my PSP.
posted by bitdamaged at 11:35 AM on September 29, 2009

To be honest I've had mixed results with making SkypeOut calls via Fring on my Nokia phone. Sometimes it works really well, at other times there have been delays and it cut out. It would be worth trying before hand. Having said that, I was always connecting via the 3G network so I'm not sure how differently it behaves on Wifi. If your phone's not locked you could pick up a sim card pretty cheaply. I believe on Virgin prepaid their 3G access is only 30p per day.
posted by Gomez_in_the_South at 11:47 AM on September 29, 2009

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