Do these lederhosen make my ass look awesome?
September 22, 2009 10:29 PM

Where in the SF Bay Area should I celebrate Oktoberfest?

Last year I felt like I found out about amazing Oktoberfest parties a few days after they happened. Where should (and shouldn't) I head to celebrate the most noble of drinks? Size really doesn't matter, big or small both appeal to me. Events with Oompah bands and other fun touches score bonus points.
posted by JimmyJames to Food & Drink (6 answers total)
Oktoberfest by the Bay in the city? Runs Oct. 2-4.

(Caution, website auto-plays loud, festive German music)
posted by rkent at 10:40 PM on September 22, 2009

Noooooo on Oktoberfest by the Bay! I did not enjoy myself last year - it felt like a frat party. It was also very expensive for not-so-good beer.

My boyfriend just chimed in as well to say "it smelled gross."

Suppenkuche is probably a better bet.
posted by soleiluna at 10:46 PM on September 22, 2009

Well, unfortunately you just missed Oktoberfest at the wonderful Tourist Club on the side of Mt. Tamalpais. The hike from the highway tends to keep out the drink-till-we-passout fratboys, although we did see two women wipe out (drunk) while hiking back up the trail. Nothing better than hiking through the fog to be greeted by ooom-pah music and a cold beer.

Oktoberfest by the Bay was a disaster last year, as soleilluna said. It was full of Marina douchebags and had chiropractor and fudge booths (wtf?), but almost no actual German eats. It was like a bad county fair with worse food, music, and drunks.

Schroeder's in the financial district has Oktoberfest polkas every Friday in October. The food will be better than OBTB but not as good as Suppenkuche. I think it attracts an older crowd, if that's ok with you.
posted by benzenedream at 1:04 AM on September 23, 2009

What are your feelings on burlesque? Next month's Hubba Hubba Revue is Oktoberfest themed.

(Not personally involved, but many of my friends have and do perform at the HHR shows.)
posted by mollymayhem at 1:50 PM on September 23, 2009

Well, unfortunately you just missed Oktoberfest at the wonderful Tourist Club on the side of Mt. Tamalpais.

But you *didn't* miss it at the Tourist Club in Oakland (Click on "next event open to the public")! That said, I've *never* been to either one (I keep meaning to go to the Oakland one, but always miss their events), and the flyer is extremely light on information (Sunday Oct 4, w/ the Bajuk Tri, from noon-6. $10). You run the risk that it might be a dry event. Maybe someone else has more info?
posted by fishfucker at 7:09 AM on September 25, 2009

Also, if you want great food and pretty good beer*, you should think about checking out Notoberfest, which'll have beer-influenced ice cream from Slocombe Creamery, and food from 4505 Meats. I'm rather excited about the offerings of the latter -- they have great weiners and hamburgers. If you want to get a preview, try heading out to the SF Ferry Building on a Thursday afternoon to grab a 'Zilla dog. The event is $50, which seems like an excellent value to me, compared to other beer tastings I've attended.

* Not to be a snob, but I'm not the biggest Valley Brewing fan, they've got good beers, but the ones I had fell short of greatness.
posted by fishfucker at 7:13 AM on September 25, 2009

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