Noise cancellation = tinny sound. No noise cancellation = @#$$o moth(&. I*s Br++m!
September 19, 2009 12:09 PM

Best bluetooth for the car?

I'm willing to go over $100 if it's really a good bluetooth. Boom mikes are OK. Car-mounted mikes that use the car sound system are OK. I just want to be clearly hear & be heard, and my damned HTC Apache (AT&T Tilt) doesn't have a cellphone jack. (OK, it does, but it's a mini-USB jack, and even most USB headphones won't work with it.)
posted by IAmBroom to Technology (1 answer total)
Found it!

The Plantronics Voyager PRO sounds almost better than my unaided PDA cellphone. Damn.

Expensive, but what I was looking for.

Bulky & ugly, but see the above paragraph.
posted by IAmBroom at 2:30 AM on December 10, 2009

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