Batch image edit needed!
August 23, 2009 3:16 PM

I am looking for a site/service/person who can batch edit the background out of 125 images and swap in a blue screen background. Any ideas? -The pictures are of ppl (from the waist up) holding a piece of 81/2X11 sheet of paper. -The background is a neutral textured wall, that blends pretty well with some of the clothes ppl are wearing. :( -Here is a link to three samples sample 1 sample 2 sample 3

-This is for a library centric music video project I am working on.
-Paying for this out of pocket, but I'm willing to pay for help!
-May have one or two other similar projects if this one works out well.
posted by libraryman to Technology (8 answers total)
Wow, I don't think there's an automated process that can do this. Hate to say it, but they'd have to be masked or clipped by hand, which can be time consuming, especially when something like frizzy hair is involved. Even at five minutes a picture, you're looking at over 10 hours work.

You might want to just post an ad on Craigslist and see if you can get any bites that way.
posted by MegoSteve at 3:58 PM on August 23, 2009

Depending on how soon you need this done and how much you're willing to pay, I might be able to do it for you. Send me a MeMail if you're interested!
posted by espire at 4:02 PM on August 23, 2009

there are several online services (google "photoshop cutout service") that do exactly that for relatively little money (mostly based in India or China) - I can't recommend any because I do all the cutouts myself, but I see most of them offer a free trial.
posted by _dario at 4:05 PM on August 23, 2009

odlinsdream: Same background as what you see in the samples.
posted by libraryman at 4:16 PM on August 23, 2009

This looks like a lot of work. Before going forward, ask yourself this: "Does the background need to be cut out?" There may be be creative avenues you can go down by not cutting out the background.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 6:55 PM on August 23, 2009

I think Brandon may have the answer, short of spending more $ than I can afford. And next time, I'll shoot with a blue/green screen. Thanks all for you answers though, I learned a good bit on the subject thx to your leads.

Oh, and espire, I don't think I can shell out enough to really make it worth your time. But thank you for responding!
posted by libraryman at 9:21 PM on August 23, 2009

Not to come off as arrogant or condescending, but when you need stuff like this done, try and make sure they're against the background you need when the picture is shot, even if it means going out and buying the background. This'll save a ton of production work down the road.
posted by Brandon Blatcher at 5:08 AM on August 24, 2009

No, you are right... It's a learning experience for sure, but since shooting these pics I have purchased some backdrops and lights to eliminate this in the future. :)
posted by libraryman at 12:53 PM on August 24, 2009

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