There's a hole in my ozone. Please fill it with rss goodness.
August 22, 2009 10:13 PM

Help me find the perfect rss reader for my HTC Ozone.

I'm looking for an app, not a web based aggregator. I'm looking for a well designed interface. The ability to play podcasts within the app. The ability to view full articles within the app. And if it could play videos within the app as well then that would be swell.

Viigo would be perfect except it doesn't allow you to save to a storage card, defeating the entire purpose.
posted by tylerfulltilt to Technology (1 answer total)
I don't think any decent and dedicated RSS readers for WinMo exist that play podcasts within the app, however either SPB News or SBSH Go News Touch are quality apps. They play podcasts by opening up the MPEG file in your default player. Here is good roundup of those two apps:

For a more robust app, that plays podcasts within the app itself, check out Kinoma Play. There's a free and Pro edition.
The only downside is it uses a lot of memory and might be overkill for just wanting an RSS reader.
posted by Blue Buddha at 12:43 PM on August 23, 2009

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