Flash gallery without the Flash, or at least without much fuss
August 16, 2009 4:05 PM

Is there a Wordpress-friendly way (with a plugin, or a javascript gallery, or Flash-based gallery, etc) to make a gallery that looks like this site?

I see lots of galleries with a filmstrip at the bottom, where you click on the thumbnail and get a full-sized image in the center of the screen. I'm looking to have full-size images scroll full screen. I've searched through a few "top jQuerty gallery plugins" lists without luck.

I realize the link is in Flash but with no experience in Flash (though I do have Adobe Flash CS4) I'm not sure how to reproduce it that way either. If Flash is actually the easiest/simplest solution, let me know.

The images I'm using will also be narrow.

Thanks in advance!
posted by miniminimarket to Computers & Internet (2 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Right after I posted I discovered that Photoshop script plugins exist for this sort of thing. Great! But haven't found one that's quite right.
posted by miniminimarket at 4:47 PM on August 16, 2009

Can you please post back when you have found the right plugin?

and by golly, those clothes in the link are ugly!
posted by Kerasia at 6:51 PM on August 16, 2009

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