Help me find this game! Thanks.
August 11, 2009 9:53 AM

I'm trying to find a game I played when I was younger. It was on the PSX (I believe), and consisted of switching between different animal bodies to navigate the world. The graphics were cartoonish, and you were a "soul." When you weren't inside a body you looked like a black spider, and if you stayed out too long you would die.

Some fuzzy details:

I believe there was a level, or perhaps the entire game, set in an arctic area. The character's bellies moved up and down in a cartoonish way to symbolize breathing.
posted by biochemist to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (3 answers total)
Could it have been Space Station Silicon Valley for the N64?
posted by CoinOp at 10:12 AM on August 11, 2009

I'm trying to find a game I played when I was younger.

When were you younger?
posted by iconomy at 10:34 AM on August 11, 2009

Oops! I guess it would have made more sense to list the year. Regardless, CoinOp got it! I really missed this game. :)
posted by biochemist at 10:47 AM on August 11, 2009

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