How Do People Sneak into Festivals?
August 6, 2009 10:15 AM   Subscribe

What are different methods of sneaking into music festivals? Have you, or a friend, ever attempted to sneak into a festival? Did you get away with it, or did you get caught?

A friend and I were watching this video of the Black Kids discussing the "double diversion" technique. We got to talking about the different techniques we've heard mentioned, and how we weren't really sure how you'd pull them off.

I'm not looking on help breaking the law. This question has nothing to go with Lollapalooza being in my city this weekend. I'm just curious as to what the most foolproof methods are; hopping fences? Staff entrances? Wrist-band passing and ink stamp rolling? What are the worst methods?
posted by Juliet Banana to Media & Arts (10 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: The way you've framed this is kind pushing a little too hard into "help me do something explicitly not okay" territory, hypothetical or not. -- cortex

My best friend went to Lolapalooza '91 in Orlando. She still has her untorn ticket because a massive crowd rushed the gate and knocked the fence down, at which point, they gave up trying to collect tickets. (this double sucked for me, because she wanted me to come along but I didn't have the funds for a ticket).

My advice? Get a large enough crowd to rush the gate. Being 2009 and not 1991, I imagine you and several of your friends will wind up beaten, shot, jailed or generally dead.
posted by Cat Pie Hurts at 10:21 AM on August 6, 2009

Well it depends on the venue, but I think the 2 most solid methods involve a) man on the inside and b) fence hopping. The beauty of man on the inside is that these places are staffed by so many workers if you have the know-how you can walk right in the front. The beauty of fence hopping is that you have to come up with some crazy ass methods to get over a fence that high without risking injury; it really opens up your inner macgyver.

For the most part you would also need to know the general lay of the land for fence hopping. Pick a spot that has something to land on on the other side, but that doesn't get a lot of foot traffic. Bonus points if you can land among a bunch of tall, sturdy trees. Double points for figuring out some method of beer-stocked cooler conveyance or doing it stone drunk.
posted by shownomercy at 10:23 AM on August 6, 2009

In my day (70's) we'd wait for the gate staff to get stoned after the first band started playing and just walk in. We'd miss half the first act, but it was worth getting in for free. Doubt that will work nowadaze, though.
posted by torquemaniac at 10:25 AM on August 6, 2009

This question has nothing to go to do with Lollapalooza being in my city this weekend.
posted by mkultra at 10:25 AM on August 6, 2009

Talking your way in works too - I talked my way in to a Rolling Stones concert by going to the vendor gate and claiming that I was there to work a concessions booth for a local high school.

At the time, I was a student at the high school.
posted by cinemafiend at 10:27 AM on August 6, 2009

So here's a story, and perhaps a cautionary take from Glastonbury, some years ago.

There used to be all sorts of people who would traffic people into the festival for a fee. So the story goes, a common trick was that just as they'd teed you and your mates up to go over the top of the fence they'd mug you for your wallet, phone etc. And then make you climb over. Nice.

Some friends of mine used to gatecrash film premieres on a regular basis. In the early days it was a climb and dash affair. It became more sophisticated (as we got older) and the trick was to turn up with a fresh box of condoms or something similar (whatever it was, it was made to look like there was a fullbox) at the service gate just before things kicked off and everyone was busy. The guards tended to wave them through because they were making a delivery. A fake, but official looking badge and a weary demeanour helps.

As things got even more sophisticated and we moved onto film premieres, the trick was to phone the PR company handling the event on the day and claim to be a c list star's representative, and ask for tickets. Inevitably they would say it was too late, but they were sorry, at which point the offer of sending round a courier was made. Cue one of us turning up with a motorbike helmet to pick up the tickets.

That one worked fine until the same star got used several times and one day when the call was made we were told "we're sorry, but x is a notorious no-show in the industry."

posted by MuffinMan at 10:28 AM on August 6, 2009 [1 favorite]

At Bluesfest in Ottawa last month I saw a family sneak into the Kiss concert by separating the fence (it was fitted together but there was nothing locking it). This is Canada though so there wasn't a lot of security.
posted by betsybetsy at 10:30 AM on August 6, 2009

A friend of one of my friends once got in to Lolla by climbing into a fairly large garbage bin (filled with trash...) near a side entrance. She had a friend who had a pass come over to where this entrance was and surreptitiously pull it inside the grounds, where she was able to emerge and see the show. Her friend brought a change of clothes in a backpack for her, too. I'd say that part is essential.
posted by rbf1138 at 10:31 AM on August 6, 2009

I think a good rule of thumb is to know the layout of the place well, and to look like you belong. I may or may not have entered an event without paying by going with a person who used to perform at the venue, and knew the back entrance and how to navigate the performer-only areas.
posted by LolaGeek at 10:33 AM on August 6, 2009

I got a friend into an AC/DC show I was working once by having him dress like a chauffeur and just walking him through all the security checkpoints. "I'm Floydd, I'm on the list. He's a chauffeur, he's probably not on the list." That worked until we got to the last one, the desk at arena control, with real cops and everything. "Oh, you can't let him in? Let me just check to see where he's supposed to go."
I ducked around the corner, asked my steward where the hands were supposed to sit to watch the show, came back and said: " You're supposed to go through those double doors and take the elevator to 'J' level. C'mon, I'll show you."
Took him up there, found him a seat and I went to work.
Had I been caught I might have gotten a reprimand, but I had plausible deniability. "Hey, he looked like a chauffeur...."
posted by Floydd at 10:55 AM on August 6, 2009

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