Where can we find a reputable breeder for a Devon Rex kitten in NYC?
August 1, 2009 11:50 AM

Where can we find a reputable breeder for a Devon Rex kitten in NYC?

My wife and I live in Manhattan, and we are interested in getting a cat. I have cat allergies, but have lived successfully with a Devon Rex before. The problem is, I can't find any breeders nearby.

We don't have a car, so the breeder would need to be accessible by public transit.

I found a few breeders (kind of) nearby on devonrex.com, but I've had no luck contacting any of those places.
posted by sleepinglion to Pets & Animals (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
This is anecdote and supposition, not data, but:

My mother, who lives in Maryland, brought home three adorable Rex kittens a few months ago. After a lengthy search for breeders, she had to go to Florida to get them. Since New York is much closer to Maryland than Florida is, I imagine that if there were a reputable breeder in NYC, she would have gone there. You may be out of luck.

I'm sorry.
posted by Faint of Butt at 11:57 AM on August 1, 2009

From Ms. Vegetable:

My sister got a Devon Rex in Boston about 15 years ago. I'd try there.
posted by a robot made out of meat at 2:49 PM on August 1, 2009

I don't know from cats, but I would suspect that (as is the case with purebred dogs) the place to start is with the national breed club. Try here. Kudos for trying to go about this the right way.
posted by biscotti at 4:06 PM on August 1, 2009

Catteries in general are few and far between, and I doubt there's a Devon Rex breeder in NYC, unfortunately.

My suggestion would be to search for a breeder in the state/region who shows their cats regularly, and see if they'll be at any cat shows in NYC in the future and if you can arrange to pick up the kitten (or retired adult!) at the show. (When I went looking for a Turkish Van kitten years ago, this was the route I took.) This does have a few disadvantages: you won't be able to see the environment the kittens are raised in, it may add a few months to your cat-getting since shows aren't held particularly often, and you'll be around a bunch of other (and more allergenic) cats. But it might be your best bet.

If that fails, some breeders ship cats, and you can pick the little guy up at the airport. I'd recommend that only as a last resort, though the cats seem to get through the trip okay.

You might also consider contacting purebred rescue organizations. It's probably rare that they come across a Devon Rex in need of rehoming, but you never know.

I do recommend contacting the breed club for a good referral. The CFA's referral service might help you, too. Additionally, most reputable breeders are happy to recommend other breeders that might be closer to you, so if you contact one who seems great but is too far away, you can always ask them if they know of anyone closer.
posted by Metroid Baby at 7:32 PM on August 1, 2009

I recommend looking on PetFinder.com for a Devon Rex you can adopt - save your allergies and save a cat! Not sure if the link below will work, but you can search by breed on the site; there are several Devon Rex cats available not too far from NYC - Philly, upstate NY, etc.

PetFinder Devon Rex NYC
posted by melissasaurus at 11:36 AM on August 4, 2009

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