Need resources on 'peer coaching' at work.
July 30, 2009 7:36 AM

Need resources on 'peer coaching' at work.

Been asked to take a stronger leadership role on a global (NA and EU) sales team. My peers and I all report directly to my boss, though my position is the senior of all team members.

My boss' request is to develop a leadership plan for 3rd Quarter 2009 for my team members in order to show that I could one day hold a more senior role... one that they might then report to.

I want to make this a group plan -- one that applies to myself as well as my peers. I want to ensure that I'm not condescending in both the presentation and the content of the plan.

Any suggestions MeFi? Any good articles, links, books I could look to?
posted by anonymous to Work & Money (1 answer total)
Don't worry about being condescending.

The discomfort when a peer becomes a superior cannot be avoided, but it can be quickly overcome when you demonstrate that you will combine your new authority with your existing knowledge and relationship basis to set better objectives and obtain better resources to achieve them.

Also, a key thing that could keep you from getting the promotion is fear by executives that you will be too hindered by relationship concerns and sensitivities to establish goals and enforce consequences for goals not met...
posted by MattD at 7:58 AM on July 30, 2009

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