July 17, 2009 6:31 PM   Subscribe

How would you bring a hypothetical Christian to atheism?

This isn't an request for help so much as a "what-if" question. If you were to encounter a Christian in a calm setting on friendly terms, with a reasonable amount of time and with the goal of "converting" them to atheism, how would you go about doing so? (Obviously, there are loads of Christian sects, and "Christian" is fairly generic. For the sake of the question, Catholic or Protestant would be good starts.)

In a similar vein, if you're religious: How would you bring an atheist to Christianity? How would you convert a Christian to Judaism? Islam?
posted by LSK to Religion & Philosophy

This post was deleted for the following reason: As an explicit "what-if" question this falls pretty squarely in chatfilter territory. -- cortex

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