Not sure if i need a bose or non-bose stereo for my 98 nissan maxima se
July 13, 2009 9:02 PM

How do I know if I have a bose system on my 98 Nissan Maxima SE

I am trying to purchase a 6 cd indash mp3 changer...

but i am confused because not sure which one i need...|39%3A1

posted by minsid to Travel & Transportation (12 answers total)
I'm not trying to be a smartass, but is "bose" written on the head unit or speakers? The "bose" in the ebay picture has the brand name on it.

That said, I'm confused- you're replacing your current stereo right? Are you determined to replace it with the exact same unit? I would think you (or a professional) could install whichever you wanted.
posted by drjimmy11 at 9:23 PM on July 13, 2009

I, too, am not trying to be a smartass.

Does your current radio look like this or this? (That is, does it say Bose on it?) If so, it's the Bose one.

Are you trying to upgrade your current Nissan radio to a Nissan cd changer, or replace something nonfunctional, or what? If memory serves, the Bose car speakers are 1-ohm.
posted by box at 9:48 PM on July 13, 2009

My family had a Nissan Maxima in the mid-nineties and it had a Bose speaker system. 'BOSE' was also written on at least the two speakers behind the two back seats. I do not know if we had a GLE or an SE though. According to the Wikipedia article on the Maxima ('95-'99), a Bose system did not come standard on the '98 SE. If you do not see the Bose name on any of the car speakers, you might have a Clarion system or some other non-Bose system.
posted by inconsequentialist at 11:37 PM on July 13, 2009

We had a mid-90's Maxima SE with the Bose system. As the others state, the speakers on the back deck will have "Bose" nameplates on them, and the head unit will have "Bose" marked on it.
posted by Thorzdad at 4:58 AM on July 14, 2009

It doesn't say bose on the stereo... so if it doesn't say bose on the stereo than I suppose its "non-bose"

so now the other question is that I put in a stereo that says "rockford fosgate" .. it works but the sound is low.. any ideas?
posted by minsid at 6:32 AM on July 14, 2009

What's the impedance on the factory speakers? Some of the pages I read suggested that they're 2-ohm, while most aftermarket car stereos are 4-ohm. If you open the trunk, you may be able to read the specs on the underside of the speakers.
posted by box at 8:44 AM on July 14, 2009

If it doesn't have Bose logos everywhere, it's not a Bose. Bose is all about marketing. So are auto manufacturers. Neither Bose nor Nissan would miss the opportunity to proudly display as many logos as they can get away with.

I'm just waiting for Monster Cable to get into the act with the auto manufacturers.
posted by krisak at 8:54 AM on July 14, 2009

How can i tell what ohms my speakers are...

how do i know how many ohms the stereo will spit out?
posted by minsid at 9:29 AM on July 14, 2009

ive got a 99 maxima will give you all the info you could possibly want

i know that the bose speaker system is different than what you would walk into best buy to purchase, but im not sure about the stock non-bose for 4th gen maxima.

go post this on the forums at and youll have info and a link to a write up in less than a day.
posted by phritosan at 11:35 AM on July 14, 2009

to clarify, the bose setup for the ohms and the speakers requires extra bits to work on a head unit that you would purchase retail.
posted by phritosan at 11:36 AM on July 14, 2009

So will a rockford fosgate stereo work with a non-bose system?
posted by minsid at 1:40 PM on July 14, 2009

I'd recommend Crutchfield for basics of head-units and speakers (SNR, ohms, etc)
Basically (most premium systems work like this), the BOSE system most likely has an amplifier (takes the CD/radio signal) that is somewhere in the car. The head unit runs to the amp, the amp runs to the speakers. Usually all connections are proprietary and you have to replace cabling to the head unit to the speakers in most cases or integrate your own amplifier and run even more cabling.
Non-premium systems have the head unit that also has the amplifier built in and all speaker connections terminate behind the head unit. If you already have the rockford fosgate in there (did it come in the car when you purchased it? Did you install it yourself?), and its working, then you have a non-premium system in the car.
As for the CD changer, you'll have to get one that is compatible with the head unit (Rockford Fosgate or Nissan). Alternatively, if you have a large enough space in the dash (double DIN), you can replace the head unit with one that has an integrated CD changer, which may be the cheaper option).
As for the quiet-ness of the speakers. The head unit may not put out enough usable power to the speakers or the speakers are improperly matched to the head unit, in which case they would need to be replaced.
posted by ijoyner at 6:14 PM on July 14, 2009

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