Queuing for Wimbledon tickets?
June 23, 2009 3:26 AM

Mr Mutant & I may like to attend one or more Wimbledon events this year. Has anyone ever queued for tickets? We're a little concerned as the Wimbledon web site mentions "overnight queuing" is allowed. Even though they sell 6,000 tickets on the day of the event, are we likely to leave disappointed if we go out the morning of the event? We don't really care who we see playing or what court; its more the experience we're interested in.
posted by Mrs Mutant to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (10 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
My friend went there this morning. She left the house about 7:30 this morning. Got a text from her at 10 am saying that the chat is that they won't get in until 5pm.

My fiance has been in the past. When he was successful he said he went later in the tournament when there are fewer players left. This seemed counterintuitive to me because I would think that's when it gets more exciting but he disagreed. But he still had to stand in line by around 7am. He said the best part was the strawberries.
posted by like_neon at 3:50 AM on June 23, 2009

I think generally if you want the "day" tickets then you are liekly to have to queue overnight. If you just want to soak up some of the experience then they sell ground passes after 5pm which let you wander round and see most of the courts (i.e. everything except Centre Court, Number 1 court etc.)

There's usually a queue at 5pm, but I went last night (got there about 6:30pm) and could just walk in. Play went on last night till around 9pm so you can get your money's worth. Keep in mind however that the 5pm tickets are effectively re-sales of people's tickets leaving the ground, so at least early on it's one in, one out, so if Murray's playing late and the weather is good it's much more difficult to get in.
posted by Mattat at 3:56 AM on June 23, 2009

Great answers, thank you. Sorry to hear about your friend though like_neon. Hope she gets in. We did not know about the after 5pm thing. We are only about 45 minutes away from Wimbledon. I also do not like to stay out in the sun too long so great advice.
posted by Mrs Mutant at 5:29 AM on June 23, 2009

My experiences are pretty much the same. The after 5 tickets can be cool value for money, and realisticaly, they're one of the few ways for mere mortals to get in without magically having tickets in advance.

Slight derail, but I live about a 2 minute walk from Southfields station. If there are Mefites bored of waiting in the queue, there are a number of completely decent pubs for an impromtu meetup.

I also have two full-day parking passes that will go un-used, if anyone needs some free local parking about 3/4 mile walk from the tennis club.
posted by generichuman at 6:07 AM on June 23, 2009

my ex so went once with centre court tickets (have a friend who is a member there) and from reports they spent more time in the strawberry/champagne tent, so unless you are a total tennis fan the late tickets give a taste of the experience for far less hastle.

oh and bring a cushion, the seats are not comfy.
posted by fistynuts at 6:22 AM on June 23, 2009

The only time I did it was on the very first day of play, and we started queueing at 6am or something; we ended up getting in about 4-5 hours later, I recall. Bring a chair, if you're going.
posted by adrianhon at 7:05 AM on June 23, 2009

I did this every year for five straight years from 2001-2005. It is very easy.

*Get to the queue at 6:00 a.m.. It is long. Do not be daunted.
*The line begins moving forward at about 9:30 or 10:00 a.m. as people are admitted to the grounds
*The latest I was ever admitted to the grounds was 10:45 a.m.
*Play begins at 11:00 a.m. during the first week
*You can stay the entire day, including for the evening session

You'll have to wait on the queue, but if you bring something to read, you will be fine.
posted by yellowcandy at 8:31 AM on June 23, 2009

I've gone a few times for the late entry, queue for returns route and it works fine. I think then it was like £3 for tickets and £7 for returns. So for a tenner you're on one of the show courts for a couple of hours. Well worth the money.

I could be up for an impromptu meetup. I'm around tonight and (better) tomorrow. I live in SW20.
posted by sagwalla at 9:21 AM on June 23, 2009

UPDATE: My friend got into the Centre Court by about 3pm! She is watching Murray now while we are looking for her on the telly.
posted by like_neon at 11:46 AM on June 23, 2009

Great the queuing paid off in the end :-)
posted by Mrs Mutant at 1:03 PM on June 23, 2009

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