Where can I find figurines / stuffed / etc of the current Cox mascots?
June 18, 2009 11:49 AM

I'm trying to find figurines / stuffed / etc of the current white/blue Cox mascots shown in this commercial.

My wife really likes the current little white and blue characters in the current commercials and I'm trying to find any kind of stuffed, plastic, metal, anything of them that I could buy for her. (If for no other reason than to defocus her from her Hello Kitty obsession.) I'd be happy with anything - balloons, keychains, etc...

I've been searching for them, and just haven't been able to find anything - I'm convinced that no one actually sells them, but holding out hope that someone here can find one.
posted by krisak to Shopping (4 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
You're going to need to know someone who works for Cox. My mom works there, so I know there's stuff that exists of those little guys. Just random promotional things they hand out from time to time.

I went through the same thing when I worked for GEICO, whenever I got anything with that gecko on it there were people lined up to take it off my hands. You just need an in.
posted by sephira at 12:36 PM on June 18, 2009

i went to the cox office about 2 weeks ago w/my friend who was upgrading his router. they had a bowl with packages of blue & white candy (like m&m's, i think) & had the little guy on the outside. i took 2 because i thought they were cox' version of mardi gras beads. then i thought the little guy on the front was a sticker, but i was wrong on both counts. all that to say you might want to pop in one the their offices to see if they've got any freebies, and maybe chat up one of the customer service reps while you're there.
posted by msconduct at 1:10 PM on June 18, 2009

Hmm, thanks msconduct. It's about time for me to upgrade my modem anyway, so that sounds like a good idea.

sephira - sounds reasonable. I have tons of that kind of stuff from my own company. I just need to find someone that works in one of their offices.
posted by krisak at 1:21 PM on June 18, 2009

Try using Cox's contact form and asking if they have a store. My friend also loves the Geico Gecko, and I got her a talking plush gecko from their online store, which I found by looking at their website. (In their case, there's a small link at the bottom of the page to the Geico Store.)

Searching Google for "Cox Cable Mascot" seems to indicate that they may have been on eBay at one time (with the title Cox Cable Mascot Bobblehead Spaceman). Unfortunately for some reason completed listings isn't working for me on eBay right now.
posted by IndigoRain at 10:26 PM on June 18, 2009

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