Looking for 1890's desk set for stage production, Toronto.
June 9, 2009 10:48 AM

Propsfilter. Looking for a specific prop to use in a Fringe production. Difficulty level: free, sourced in Toronto, 1890's period accurate (repro is fine).

A friend of mine is production manager on a fringe production of Shaw's Candida. All props and sets are sourced, but for two outstanding questions:

1) They need a desk set--blotter, pen (not quill), inkwell, pencil holder, etc--for the entire show. Run starts in July, so there's some time left. We need to find a source for something--as I said, repro is fine--but it needs to be free or incredibly cheap. Any thoughts?

2) Were typewriter erasers used in 1890's London, and if so, where could we find one or how would we accurately reproduce one? Again, cheap or free.

My friend has extensive contacts in Toronto theatre, and is asking there as well.
posted by dirtynumbangelboy to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
Yank will know.
posted by peagood at 1:24 PM on June 9, 2009

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