My dog can't pee right, help?
June 8, 2009 10:52 AM

My dog has a hard time peeing. I've had a specialist diagnose the cause and they tell me that "they've never seen it before" and "cannot find anything in any journals/literature that reference it". I'd like to explain it to see if any Mefites have any experience or knowledge of the situation ...

Basically its this ... at the juncture of her urethra and bladder, the opening has become constricted. A flap of tissue is trying to grow closed over this opening. Not a good thing!

Here's the story ... She's a 5 year old labrador, in otherwise perfect health. About 2 1/2 years ago, she started having trouble peeing. She would squat, and it would drip.drip.drip ... and after a long time she would be done. I took her to my local vet, who did all he could to diagnose it (primarily consisting of checking for urinary tract infection and prescribing a food that was more acidic to breakdown crystals in her urine). Eventually, he referred me to the University of Florida Veterinary Research Center. After some more work, they eventually decided to run a camera up her urethra. At that point, they discovered the constriction at the juncture to the bladder and broke it apart with the camera head device.

All is well until about a year ago ...

She had the same exact problem again. I go back to the college and this time they actually get me a "research grant" that covers the cost of that camera procedure (not a cheap procedure, about $800). So she's fixed again.

But now I think I might be starting to see some symptoms again and I'm getting worried this might be round 3. Anyone have any experience with something similar?
posted by Dave. to Pets & Animals (5 answers total)

Using my super-Google-fu, I found this page: Transitional Cells. Maybe a round of NSAIs would help (though I'll say that for Amber's tumor, it might have made things worse).

posted by LOLAttorney2009 at 11:53 AM on June 8, 2009

I am actually slightly familiar with this -- a veterinarian I know had a dog with this (or a very similar) problem, and actually became part of a research study at the University of Pennsylvania to have the problem surgically corrected. Did they give you any suggestions about surgical intervention when you went to U of F? I know they also do the surgery at NC State, and probably at some other large veterinary schools.
posted by Rock Steady at 11:53 AM on June 8, 2009

Rock Steady ... no, there was no suggestion of a surgical fix, instead they were being hopeful that the problem was fixed by simply breaking apart the area. I will discuss your comment when I visit the college. Thanks.

tBot, I know you ;-)
posted by Dave. at 1:36 PM on June 8, 2009

My sister's dog just went through this same problem. They figured out it was a stone stuck at the head of his urethra. It passed and he was fine. Not saying this what's going on with your dog, but may be something to think about.
posted by P.o.B. at 3:26 PM on June 8, 2009

Rock Steady ... no, there was no suggestion of a surgical fix, instead they were being hopeful that the problem was fixed by simply breaking apart the area.

I wish I could remember more specifics about the condition this dog had, but it sounds very similar to your dog's condition. The only major difference I can see was that the dog I knew was just a puppy, and it had been a problem since birth. I was originally going to tell you to go to the nearest vet school and get seen by a specialist, and I am kind of surprised that they didn't suggest a more permanent solution for your dog -- particularly the second time you went in. Did you see the same doc both times? If not, I would say that this time you need to make sure the vet knows about the history, and that you would be interested in hearing about any other treatment options they might consider. A surgery (unless you can get into another research study) is going to be significantly more than $800, but if this problem continues to recur, it might save you money in the long run. You could look into CareCredit as a way to pay for a surgery, if cash flow is an issue. Good luck!
posted by Rock Steady at 6:37 PM on June 8, 2009

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