Paris or Bust
June 6, 2009 9:03 AM

Paris or Bust?

So my parents invited me along on a trip to Paris for 2 weeks this summer. I've never been to Europe and I can't let the chance pass me by. I have some vacation time to take and its ON. However, though I love them, the thought of spending 2 full weeks with them running around the Louvre and Champs de Elysees, eh, doesn't exact me turn me on. I wish I knew some other folk in France to show me around, get me out to some bars, and basically help me let my hair down.

I know the possibilities are endless- but any suggestions for a single, sexy, young american woman alone in Paris -- (oh, that's right my parents will be there)...Ok, really, I'd just love to get out on the town some yet I don't speak a lick of french. I'm fine with taking off from them for a few days, too, so anywhere I could get to by train for an adventure, I'm wide open.
posted by Rocket26 to Travel & Transportation (5 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Venture off on your own for a while and stay in a hostel -- you'll meet plenty of other people who are in the same mind frame, who are looking to see the sites and do what young people do when they travel. Or, if you're uncomfortable staying at a hostel, find one with a common area and just go. Just don't hang out in the hostel bar all night. Paris hostels.
posted by nitsuj at 9:16 AM on June 6, 2009

Couchsurfing isn't just for finding places to stay -- you can also search for people who are interested in getting together for coffee, drinks, or whatever. If you go to the advanced search page and select "coffee or drink" in the area next to "has couch?" and enter Paris, France at the bottom of the page next to "search location by text." It looks like about 300 Parisians are listed.

I haven't used that option in Paris, but I've had success with it in other cities in France.

The other thing about Paris is that as long as you're outgoing and energetic, you don't really need to know people or speak French to have a good night out. I've found that young French people tend to be friendly to young Americans, and honestly, during the summer bars and clubs will be filled with anglophones.

In terms of adventures and day trips, I would totally recommend taking the TGV (the fast train) to the south of France for a few days. I particularly like Marseilles, and I've had good experiences couchsurfing and hostel-ing there.

Have fun!
posted by cimton at 12:19 PM on June 6, 2009

you never know what you will find down any road. your parents may get a guided tour somewhere, the kind of tour that budget travellers would never do, and the tour guide might be a nice young french fellow.

you might go off on your own for a day, and sit around in a hostel not meeting anyone, and miss the nice young tour guide.

i say go, let the experience unfold as it will. worst case scenario, you see france and spend time with your parents. but, if you are open to meeting people, fate always finds a way of putting those people in front of you.
posted by Flood at 12:48 PM on June 6, 2009

I was just in Paris! You will love it!
I went through and met and stayed with a variety of very interesting people - so definitely check out the "meet up for coffee" feature.
If you go to the couchsurfing site and look up the Paris "group" you will see they have all sorts of activities where you will meet both surfers and hosts. There is for sure a monday night quiz night at a pub downtown and a weekly picnic. We also all went out clubbing / bar hopping one night! So much fun!!! It was a really great experience and I met so many cool people! Paris has the largest and most active "couchsurfing" communities - so take advantage.

Also: get ready to be hit on - especially at tourist attractions - and watch out that they aren't trying to scam you! I was approached twice at the Eiffel Tower by obvious predators. But seriously, the city is great for a woman's ego - lots of flirting!
posted by smartypantz at 4:36 PM on June 6, 2009

My wife and I just got back from France/Paris last week. Not sure what your museum quotient is, but 2 weeks in Paris is WAY too much. There just isn't that much stuff to do in the city itself.

Choose some interesting day trips or pick another region to visit, definitely.

Regarding the language, the French are pretty prickly about their culture/language, similar to the way americans are. "If you're going to speak ferrin, go back where you came from". That said, many people in Paris speak english, but don't assume. To skip the pricklyness, always start with a "Bonjour", then in french, ask if they speak english(Parle vous Angleis?). If so, you're good to go, if not, you get to mime a little bit. :) Apologies for my french spelling.

BTW, when you're in paris, I highly recommend Fat Tire Bike Tours. Great fun....we did both the day and night Paris tours.

It's a beautiful place, I hope you enjoy your trip!
posted by specialnobodie at 11:48 AM on June 8, 2009

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