Best place to View a sunrise in/around Milwaukee, WI
June 3, 2009 4:03 PM   Subscribe

What is the best place to see a sunrise in/around Waukesha county, Wisconsin (just east of Milwaukee)?

I had a few ideas (say, the Lapham Peak observation tower), but it turns out the State doesn't take kindly to park visitors at 5am.

For what it's worth, I'll take anything within an hour or so of the Waukesha area. Location-generic ideas (tall office buildings? I don't know) would be helpful as well.

posted by niles to Science & Nature (7 answers total)
I see the sunrise on my way to work quite often. I think it would be nice to sit at South Shore beach and watch it (rather than getting a glimpse on my way to the Hoan Bridge).
posted by sulaine at 4:13 PM on June 3, 2009

Sorry if I didn't make that clear, South Shore beach, in Bay View, Milwaukee, along Lake Michigan is a nice place to catch a sunrise.
posted by sulaine at 4:14 PM on June 3, 2009

You mean just west of Milwaukee, of course.
posted by found missing at 5:05 PM on June 3, 2009

You could try Hillcrest Park off of Main and Davidson (in Waukesha proper). It's the old Nike missile radar station, and there is a tower you can shimmy up. Great views all around, although I'm not sure specifically if there is a good line of sight east.

Alternately, Missile Park off of Broadway also has a nice hill, but there aren't any towers or observation posts at the top. And even though they call it a park on the map, I don't think it's really considered "open to the public".
posted by hafehd at 7:05 PM on June 3, 2009

If you're driving, I recommend just going to Milwaukee and sitting near Lake Michigan. (Take North Avenue all the way down to Lake Shore Drive. The lighthouse there is on a hill where you can sit and watch the glorious sunrise over the lake. Or you can walk down the hill and sit on the rocks on the shore. I've done it, and haven't been hassled.)
posted by nasreddin at 7:12 PM on June 3, 2009

I will second the lighthouse on North and Lake Shore Dr. - my initial thought though was the observatory at Holy Hill but upon checking the hours, that is out. That said, if there is a bit of daring to you, I am sure you could make it up there, and as the highest point in Wisconsin, you would have a treat of a view.

Best of luck in your search.
posted by Never Better at 12:17 PM on June 4, 2009

Response by poster: Yeah, West of Milwaukee. I don't live in the middle of the lake!

These are all great ideas so far. I'll have fun checking out each of these places.
posted by niles at 10:29 PM on June 4, 2009

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