Looking for high-quality senate videos
December 1, 2004 12:34 PM

I'm looking for high quality video from the senate floor. Is there some government run (public domain) archive containing this? When I called CSPAN looking for an hour of video, they told me it would cost about $150 to get a copy on VHS. An extensive search of google and discussion with my school librarian revealed no other sources for senate video other than CSPAN. Any ideas?
posted by zelphi to Law & Government (2 answers total)
As far as I know, CSPAN is the only place you can get Senate video. And actually getting it from them can be a lot harder than they make it sound, but that depends on what you're using it for.
posted by goatdog at 1:18 PM on December 1, 2004

CSPAN is largely funded through cable provider Comcast; given the network's nonprofit status, they're as closely guarded about the licensing/distribution of their materials as the BBC or PBS would be.
posted by Smart Dalek at 2:42 PM on December 1, 2004

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