sourcing a Frost quotation
May 30, 2009 12:02 PM

I'm trying to find the context of the Robert Frost quote "Freedom lies in being bold."

So far, the earliest reference I've found is via Google Books in The Critical Reception of Robert Frost (1974) by Peter Van Egmond. I can make the trip to the LAPL downtown branch to find the book (it's reference, no interlibrary loan possible), but I'm hopeful that the collective wisdom of AskMeFi might provide the answer. Thanks!
posted by roger ackroyd to Media & Arts (1 answer total)
The earlier "suicide poem" reference seems to be from "a 1958 reading at Bread Loaf". Here are two photographs from the event.
posted by Knappster at 1:01 PM on May 30, 2009

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