How much power can an HP9000E provide?
May 20, 2009 1:26 PM

[ElectricalGeneratorFilter] Does anyone have a spec sheet for an HP9000E generator?

The site my fiancee and I have picked out for our wedding has an HP9000E generator on hand, but nobody there seems to be able to give me any concrete specs on how much power it provides. Our DJ and caterer both need to know the specs on such a generator.

Electrically-inclined MeFiers, lend me your aid!
posted by trokair to Technology (2 answers total)
Is that the Winco TriFuel HP9000E?
The continuous rating is 8000 watts, peak is 9000 watts.
What else did you need to know?
posted by Floydd at 1:32 PM on May 20, 2009

Hey! I found a brochure here. (.pdf)
posted by Floydd at 1:34 PM on May 20, 2009

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