Investing Jargon Help
May 19, 2009 12:37 PM

Taking a copy editing test for a potential employer. Need to identify logical gaps in writing about finance/investing (about which I know very little). (Thinking in sentence one that "sell the open," should be "sell to open." Would that be logical?) Thanks much! Could you please tell me whether there is a logical flaw contained within the following sentences: 1. "Had I anticipated a 16% gain today [in a stock], I'd be 150% long and would have sold the open and taken the rest of the year to work on my dream of becoming a jazz dancer." 2. "I wish I was still long on everything [again stock positions] I've taken partial profits in over the last month."
posted by brynnwood to Work & Money (1 answer total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: This looks like you're straight-up asking for answers on a test. That's really not what this place is for. -- cortex

Uh, do your own homework, dude. Flagged.
posted by Happy Dave at 12:50 PM on May 19, 2009

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