Greasemonkey MeFi Deleted Posts Problems
May 16, 2009 6:56 PM

Why is the Greasemonkey MeFi deleted posts script working on one computer and throwing an error on another?

I'm a user of the Greasemonkey Mefi Deleted Posts script. I use it both at work and at home. At work the script works perfectly fine while at home it breaks (since I upgraded it from an older version which I can no longer restore). I've tried to figure this out but have gotten nowhere...

1) At work I'm using a linux box with Firefox and the script works perfectly.

2) At home I'm using Windows XP Pro, with Firefox and the script throws an error in the Firefox error console:

"$ is not defined"
[...]/gm_scripts/metafilter_dp/metafilter_dp.user.js Line: 32

I've checked the following already:
* the scripts are the same (I emailed them back and forth between work and home and xdiffed them... they're identical) and they're the most current version posted
* the script's Greasemonkey settings are the same (Included Pages, Excluded Pages, Enabled)
* Greasemonkey is enabled (well, obviously or I wouldn't get the error when it's trying to execute the script)
* Both at home and at work it's the only Greasemonkey script currently installed
* Firefox is not blocking execution because of some security settings (again, otherwise I wouldn't get that error anyway)
* The line in the code that throws the error seems to be perfectly legal Javascript (and doesn't throw any errors on my box at work):

$("div[class=copy] span[class=smallcopy]:has(a[href*=/user/]) a:contains(comment)," + "div[class=copy] span[class=smallcopy]:has(a[href*=/user/]) a:contains(answer)").each( function() {

(The line is actually split across 3 lines in the script file)

Does anybody have any idea why this isn't working for me? Has anybody experienced this?
posted by Hairy Lobster to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Disable all other greasemonkey scripts and see if you still get the error.

If so, disable all addons besides greasemonkey and see if you still get the error.

You've checked the obvious problems, and 95% of the rest are caused by strange interactions between scripts.
posted by chrisamiller at 9:12 PM on May 16, 2009

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