What iPhone flashcard application will best help me study for the bar?
May 16, 2009 11:19 AM

What iPhone flashcard application will best help me study for the bar?

The flashcard category is filled up with crapware. I would like a flashcard application that gives me access to quality decks focused on the multistate portion of the bar exam. I currently have MyStudyCards, and the decks it lets you download of of middling quality and there is nothing about the bar specifically.

I wouldn't be averse to purchasing an account with Flashcard Exchange if I could be certain I could export decks from it to the iPhone application. I mean certain; I once had and then got a refund on that site. Though it's the best in terms of selection (it seems to me), its export options are limited and I wasn't able to get its CSV files into the Mac application I was using at the time.

Finally, a big bonus for an application that uses that intelligent question-interval stuff. But access to decks that are specifically about the bar is the number on must-have.

Please do not recommend an application unless you know it has access to bar-related decks (not just a "law" category)--it's too expensive to buy iPhone apps that may not have the one feature I need.
posted by yesno to Computers & Internet (6 answers total) 2 users marked this as a favorite
Ebbinghaus allows for importing CSV files and allows exporting to the iPhone via iPhoto. It does not have existing law decks but you mentioned that you had CSV files from before.

It does not use the intelligent question-interval stuff, though, but it is free.
posted by proj at 11:38 AM on May 16, 2009

Yes, I guess I should ass that if you know that CSV or other exports from Flashcard Exchange work with the app (i.e. you've gotten it to work), I'd definitely be interested in that.
posted by yesno at 12:12 PM on May 16, 2009

I suppose I should add and not ass.
posted by yesno at 1:01 PM on May 16, 2009

Mental case meets all your requirements, and it's an excellent program.
posted by bigmusic at 10:17 PM on May 16, 2009

Mental case is a really good application for the iPhone as well as the Mac/PC. I use to to study for my training and it is a useful resource when out and about. The lite version is pretty good, but if you buy the Mental Case software and the paid Mental Case App you can create new flashcards and keep them synced whenever you are connected over wi-fi network. Also you can download user made flashcards from Flashcard Exchange.
posted by Junior687 at 10:58 PM on May 17, 2009

In addition, with the Mental Case application you don't need to have a paid Flashcard Exchange app. A free one will do just fine. To find stuff related to the bar exam you will just have to search the site and see if there are any available. I'm sure there are because the site is quite popular. Once I start medical school I will be sure to use it for studying.
posted by Junior687 at 11:01 PM on May 17, 2009

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