Changes in Latitude...
April 22, 2009 6:56 AM

Going to Nassau, Bahamas in mid-May. What should be on my list of must-do things?

My wife and I will be in Nassau, Bahamas in the middle of May, and are looking for some don't-miss suggestions. We are fairly active, I am very interested in history...her, not so much, but we both love hanging out on the beach (who doesn't). All suggestions are welcome.
posted by te1contar to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total)
If you like history, Fort Charlotte is worth a look. There's some really, really awesome ancient graffiti there.

Maybe we went to the wrong beaches, but when I was in Nassau with my SO's family, the beaches were a bit icky--think Coney Island. We were treated to a lovely view of someone peeing off this pier.
posted by PhoBWanKenobi at 8:23 AM on April 22, 2009

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