Sheriff vs. Slingshot - Help me find this movie!
April 18, 2009 8:10 AM

Help me find this movie! Main clues are a sheriff vs. a guy with a slingshot (more inside) ...

Hello MeFi,
please help me find this movie:

I saw parts of this film on TV in the early 1970's when I was a kid, so some details may be fuzzy.

What I recall:

The protagonist was a young male, blonde. Antagonist was a corrupt sheriff. The setting was in the hot summer so the good guy was bare-chested in short pants, for most of the film.

The sheriff was out to get the good guy, who was on the run from him.

Specific scenes:

In one scene, the good guy buries himself in sand, with only a breathing tube sticking up, in a suspenseful moment the sheriff's vehicle nearly backs over him.

To protect himself, the good guy ultimately constructs a slingshot, and defends himself against the sheriff - I'm not sure what he used for ammunition, but in attacking the sheriff, one shot went through the sheriff's hand, another into his knee.

When other more honest police got involved, the youth collapses and the sheriff dumps the slingshot into something [I think it was an underground gas station fuel reservoir].

In the medical clinic, the hero tells his story to the other police. They indicate that the youth has no evidence to back up his story. What about the sheriff's injuries? he asks. Don't they prove my story? Well, they say that the injuries could have also come from buckshot from a shotgun.

The youth figures that the sheriff disposed of his slingshot. He figures out what happened, and retrieves it from the underground reservoir using a long pole with one end magnetized, since his slingshot was made of metal.

When he produces the slingshot this confirms his story and all ends well.

Any ideas?

posted by thermonuclear.jive.turkey to Media & Arts (2 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
Savages. Andy Griffith was the bad guy.
posted by dzot at 8:36 AM on April 18, 2009

Thanks! I guess I was confused about the sheriff part. IMBD indicates the novel is 'Death Watch' by Robb White. For good measure I 'searched inside' the novel on Amazon and yup, the slingshot was indeed his weapon. Thanks again.

Now if I can just find this film on videotape or dvd ...
posted by thermonuclear.jive.turkey at 8:50 AM on April 18, 2009

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