Soul Makossa
April 16, 2009 1:51 PM

Translation of lyrics to Soul Makossa?

So at this point you all know about the song Soul Makossa, which famously had its refrain lifted by Michael Jackson for his song Wanna Be Starting Something. The refrain may be nonsense lyrics, but I'm curious about the meaning of the lyrics to the song in question. Does anyone have a translation or know what the song means?
posted by LSK to Grab Bag (1 answer total)
Apparently, in answers to Yahoo questions, "Makossa" means "I dance" in Duala, an African language, or (from the same link) "The translation is basically "I will dance..... I will dance", or equally "It has its origins in the Duala dance called kossa."
posted by Petrot at 3:40 PM on May 2, 2009

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