hdtv picture dim
April 2, 2009 9:37 AM

we have a Samsung HD LCD TV (series 550, if it matters) - last night the picture dimmed. we switched it between the ps2, tv, and the computer - dim on all inputs. it was late, we went to bed. this morning, half the screen is dim and the other half seems bright enough. contrast/backlight settings don't fix it. energy settings are set to off. help?
posted by nadawi to Technology (2 answers total)
Sounds like there's something wrong with the backlight. Have you tried calling Samsung?
posted by wongcorgi at 10:15 AM on April 2, 2009

It sounds like the backlight's inverter board (or one of the boards which provide power to the backlight) is in the process of failing. I've seen inverters "fail dim" on older LCD monitors several times. Unless you're extremely handy with electronics -- in which case you likely would have already opened up the TV -- this is something a Samsung technician will need to replace, and if your TV is still under warranty, you definitely want to go that route.

Your TV may have a self-diagnosis mode. Hold down the - (dash) key on your remote for over 10 seconds, and see if that provides anything of merit.

This is Samsung's list of service centers and support portal.
posted by eschatfische at 10:24 AM on April 2, 2009

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