What Would You Do With Your Time?
March 26, 2009 12:59 AM

Do you ever have almost overwhelming feelings that are a combination of both melancholy and pleasant nostalgia?

I had a happy childhood, even though I came from a dysfunctional, broken home. I am getting up in years now, not really old, but enough to have a lot of wonderful memories. When I was a child, the world was just different. It was pre-calculator, pre-microwave, with dial-up phones (and wires into the wall!), mostly B&W TV. We entertained ourselves, and there were no computers. Our lives were mostly spent playing outside, using our imaginations. My fondest memories are of playing sports (mostly baseball, whiffle ball or football) with my friends.

Sometimes a song or a smell will trigger a thought that will make me just downright melancholy in pleasant kind of way. Our brains seem to hold on to memories in that way sometimes. Then I had a interesting thought: Suppose just once, and only once, I could snap my fingers and really do almost anything I wanted for 24 hours, where would I go and what would I do before I came back to reality?

What would YOU do? Tell Me Your Dream
1) You have to do something for you... no one else can benefit or suffer from your actions.
2) Your have 24 hours max, for the experience.
posted by konig to Human Relations (4 answers total)

This post was deleted for the following reason: Please read the FAQ. Generally these types of questions dont belong here. -- vacapinta

While this is AskMe, Steve. some here may interpret your post to be "ChatFilter."

If it doesn't get deleted, then there may be many nostalgic -- and entertaining -- entries for you et al.
posted by ericb at 1:06 AM on March 26, 2009

Thanks, for comment, ericb. I am somewhat new here, still learning the ropes.
posted by konig at 1:12 AM on March 26, 2009

Seconding ericb that this will most likely get deleted as "Chatfilter".

You might have better luck either at MetaChat or at BBQ. Welcome to MeFi!
posted by Phire at 1:46 AM on March 26, 2009

Seconding ericb. Also, it's bad form to put your question in bold on the front page of AskMe.
posted by ClanvidHorse at 2:37 AM on March 26, 2009

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