Looking to pick the best e-mail marketing service for our specific needs?
March 21, 2009 6:46 PM

Looking to pick the best e-mail marketing service for our specific needs?

We own a small e-commerce business specializing in wellness products. We are in the midst of having our website completely redesigned and relaunched in the coming weeks. We are looking to sign up with an e-mail marketing service which can organize our customer e-mail addresses and set them up so that we can send those customers eye catching e-mails with the hopes that we can encourage existing or past customers to revisit our site...and with a little luck, buy from us again. We only have about 150 customer e-mail addresses at the present moment. We know there are some e-mail marketing companies which charge by the number of e-mails we need to send versus a monthly charge. But maybe the monthly services are bigger and better companies...not sure. Here are the things we specifically need from one of these companies.

1. Do all the services allow us to use our own company contact e-mail address as the sender of the e-mail?
2. If it is possible to use our own e-mail address, can those e-mails being sent, now have a higher probability of being intercepted by SPAM blockers. What we mean is, our customers have no trouble receiving our e-mails currently when we send them ourselves from our own e-mail account manually. If the service we soon choose sends e-mails using our address, do they then suddenly get treated differently by the customer's e-mail accounts?
3. Looking for a service which uses the customer's actual name at the top of the message which we of course would provide instead of it just saying "Hello."
4. Looking for a service which would be capable of setting up surveys and possible contests.
5. Looking for a service which would allow for a custom template.
6. Looking for a service which provides reports with such details like how many people opened the e-mail and clicked on the link to the site.

The companies are were looking at are the following but we would certainly be open to others if someone feels like a particular one would be a good match for what we are wanting to accomplish. Thanks!

Constant Contact
posted by orehek to Computers & Internet (3 answers total) 4 users marked this as a favorite
Your list is missing the amazing Campaign Monitor. If you want me to go on at length about why it beats the pants off all the contenders on your current list, I can, but it is pretty much the best email marketing you can buy these days.
posted by DarlingBri at 7:14 PM on March 21, 2009

Seconding DarlingBri. I love love love Campaign Monitor. Great interface, nice templates to start from, very friendly service.
posted by epersonae at 7:49 PM on March 21, 2009

Check out Mailchimp. Does what you need and they continue to add features.
posted by entropic at 9:04 AM on March 22, 2009

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