Trying to take care of my baby
March 19, 2009 4:21 PM

I need recommendations for reliable and informative forums related to Nissan Frontiers along with equally reliable and buyer friendly OEM replacement parts websites.

I have a new job now so I can afford to catch up on some basic maintenance my 2001 Nissan Frontier has needed. I have spent the last three days trying to find a replacement driver side seat belt to no avail. I know I can find one cheaper than $100. At least I think I can. All the websites look the same and are not even really competitive. I also can't seem to find a good online forum that is very active and does not charge a fee to join. Any Frontier owners in the crowd?
posted by Brandon1600 to Travel & Transportation (1 answer total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I guess you're looked at:
Club Frontier
This one has a seat belt for $86:
Seat belt link

Have you tried a local junkyard? Probably get one very cheap there.

Good luck!
posted by dukes909 at 7:18 AM on May 26, 2009

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