Is there an LP Frame wear the LP can slide out easily?
March 13, 2009 11:44 AM

I am interested in wall-mounted individual LP frames that also allow me to slip the LP out easily — both for listening and fast LP swapping for re-decorative purposes. Has anyone seen a product like this around?
posted by ProfLinusPauling to Home & Garden (8 answers total) 3 users marked this as a favorite
When I mounted my LPs on the wall back in the day, I used simple pushpins -- two on the bottom, one on top. Don't poke the sleeves with the pins -- let the sleeves ride on the little posts. Leave an extra bit of room to slide your LPs on or off the wall.
posted by notyou at 12:16 PM on March 13, 2009

This might do it: Looks like they sell them on Amazon UK.
posted by erikgrande at 12:16 PM on March 13, 2009

Why not keep the records themselves in separate sleeves, and avoid the whole problem? You ought to be able to find blank (white-label) sleeves fairly easily.
posted by xil at 12:18 PM on March 13, 2009

Art Vinyl is pretty costly, but they look really reliable.

Column of 6 record mounts, much cheaper, from UK

Less classy display, inexpensive, from UK.

Basic frames, no quick access - cheaper, and shipping from the US.

There was a nice, simple DIY display grid, but I can't find it.
posted by filthy light thief at 12:21 PM on March 13, 2009

Aha! I found it. DIY 3 x 3 Record Rack.

Also, here's a record rail - but you'd have to nail it into the wall (though you could make single record rails, and adhere them to the wall to avoid nail holes).
posted by filthy light thief at 12:24 PM on March 13, 2009

I've never seen anything but regular frames with corner spring-clips. I deal with the problem you mention by only framing records that I don't listen to (bad albums with good art, or that I have already ripped to MP3).

You could certainly go to Tap Plastics and get some squares, glue and brackets to make them yourself. Not the best answer, I'm afraid, but there you go. I've never seen anything with drop-in tops or anything like that.
posted by rhizome at 1:10 PM on March 13, 2009

Acoustic Sounds sells Art Vinyl in the US.
posted by box at 4:31 PM on March 14, 2009

This is very belated, but: Thanks SO much!

All of you have been hugely helpful.
posted by ProfLinusPauling at 6:25 PM on March 26, 2009

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