Who is your favorite Street Fighter 4 character and why?
March 4, 2009 9:18 AM

I'm loving Street Fighter IV on the Xbox 360. I've gotten quite good with Guile, though I need to branch out and work with a new character? Who do you think I should take-up as my new character. I'm reluctant to go with one of the big three (Ken, Ryu, Sagat) because they're so common.

Some of the things I love about Guile are:
* His quick light punches and kicks
* His air throw
* Following up his slow sonic boom with a hit/throw
* There aren't that many Guile players out there

Some things I'd like in a new character are:
* Ability to combo into super/ultra
* Ability to effectively cancel special moves into more moves for extra damage

I might find it difficult to work with a character that doesn't have quick light punches or kicks.
posted by sorrenn to Technology (11 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
It's better in fighting games to just stick with the character you're good at and learn every intricacy and trick of that character, rather than trying to use several different ones. If you're winning with Guile, keep using him.
posted by DecemberBoy at 9:25 AM on March 4, 2009

Rose is a lot of fun, as is Sakura. If you're really looking for an interesting character to try, El Fuerte has a lot of potential to really consternate your opponent.
posted by HostBryan at 9:27 AM on March 4, 2009

If you like air throws, combos into ultras, and quick light punches and kicks, try Cammy.
posted by cmgonzalez at 9:38 AM on March 4, 2009

Oh and you can cancel moves into other moves with her as well. And vary the strength of her kicks and jabs from relative poking to heavy.
posted by cmgonzalez at 9:39 AM on March 4, 2009

Dhalsim has some pretty awesome higher level mindgame strategies with his teleports and long range strikes (check out youtube videos for examples). However, his move timing does require a more methodical way of thinking compared to many other more offensive characters.

I use Ryu, and his bread and butter is canceling into supers/ultras between quick hitting strike combos, so he would fit your needs perfectly if you ever want to try out the common characters.
posted by theDrizzle at 10:40 AM on March 4, 2009

I never considered Cammy, probably because I've never faced a very formidable Cammy opponent. She seems vulnerable to fireball characters, and I always kill her with Guile (maybe because she has low priority moves??). I wanted to like Rose -- I'll have to give her a shot.

I was kinda hoping someone would suggest C. Viper.
posted by sorrenn at 10:44 AM on March 4, 2009

I don't have much to add as I'm still waiting for my copy but avoid Abel until a patch comes out. You can apparently get him into an infinite combo loop with Fei-Long.
posted by slimepuppy at 12:17 PM on March 4, 2009

Here's a video of the above. It affects Seth as well.
posted by slimepuppy at 12:20 PM on March 4, 2009

Dhalsim is the MAN. I haven't played much of 4 yet, but I always went with him previously because I saw nobody else using him. When you're playing a human opponent I find it gives me quite an edge to use a character that almost nobody else uses, because the opponent is only used to fighting that character as the computer controls them.
posted by barc0001 at 12:36 PM on March 4, 2009

Zangief, or maybe Honda. Strong, slow characters reward detailed study. The appeal is in the challenge.
posted by box at 1:53 PM on March 4, 2009

Dhalsim all the way. If you've mastered Guile and gone all the way through with him, I think you'll enjoy Dhalsim's more esoteric play features.
posted by batmonkey at 2:23 PM on March 4, 2009

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