Great backcountry spots in Yellowstone?
March 1, 2009 9:27 PM

Please recommend some early-summer, moderate back-country trips in Yellowstone.

My girlfriend and I are looking for great back-country camping in Yellowstone in late June (so no trails within bear management areas or any trails with major fords). Ideally, we're thinking about hiking in and spending two nights at the same campsite, with a day trip on the second day (three day loop trips cool, too). By "moderate," I mean ~5-6 miles, 1000 ft elev gain per day. Anything remotely resembling such a trip is much appreciated.
posted by one_bean to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (2 answers total)
One of the best -- very easy -- hikes I've ever done was to Fairy Falls & Imperial Geyser. The hike itself is about as flat as can be, but the falls are beautiful and the geyser is pretty cool. Unlike other geysers in the park, you're not confined to boardwalks packed with hundreds of tourists -- you can get up close (if you're careful) and you could easily be alone there for an hour or two.

You could probably build a nice, mellow trip in this area, with a night at Fairy Meadows or Imperial Meadows and then connecting to some of the more remote backcountry sites by Firehole Springs or something like that.
posted by dseaton at 1:18 AM on March 2, 2009

Well, I guess God helps those who help themselves. We settled on the Black Canyon of the Yellowstone, and will probably hitch back to the trailhead.
posted by one_bean at 9:56 PM on April 5, 2009

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