bee Bee BEEP - Im sorry, this call has been disconnected
February 18, 2009 12:09 PM
PhoneNetworkFilter: Help me find government reports (or any official-ish industry reports) that give statistics for the failure rates of various phone systems under various conditions in the USA.
So, for my job, I need to find reports that state authoritatively why phone calls could be dropped, not go through, appear to be disconnected when they're not, ring but not actually connect, etc.
Looking especially for official facts and figures, particularly interested in cold hard statistics, along the lines of "Studies have shown that 98% of calls in the US go through successfully on the first try on any given day under normal circumstances, but [weather, temperature, construction, the way the wind blows] can bring that down to 92%."
Looking for info on POT (plain old telephone) lines as well as Cell, VOIP, and others. US information only.
Thanks in advance, and also know that this will ensure that you get alerted more efficiently when your kids school is closed due to weather.
So, for my job, I need to find reports that state authoritatively why phone calls could be dropped, not go through, appear to be disconnected when they're not, ring but not actually connect, etc.
Looking especially for official facts and figures, particularly interested in cold hard statistics, along the lines of "Studies have shown that 98% of calls in the US go through successfully on the first try on any given day under normal circumstances, but [weather, temperature, construction, the way the wind blows] can bring that down to 92%."
Looking for info on POT (plain old telephone) lines as well as Cell, VOIP, and others. US information only.
Thanks in advance, and also know that this will ensure that you get alerted more efficiently when your kids school is closed due to weather.
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posted by Thistledown at 7:26 PM on February 18, 2009