What versions of LiveType and Soundtrack can Final Cut Pro 4.5 import?
January 3, 2009 9:45 AM
Can Final Cut Pro 4.5 import LiveType 2 and Soundtrack 1.5 files? I'm considering buying Final Cut Express 3.5 specifically to get these updated programs to replace the LT & Soundtrack 1.2 versions native to FCP 4.5.
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Livetype 2 didn't ship unitl FCP 5. So, the XML stuff probably won't be backwards compatible. It needs certain pieces for QT to work.
That doesn't mean it won't work, just that I think it's unlikely. If you MefiMail me, i could send you a Livetype 2.1.3 file to see if it works with your version of FCP (I might have to send you a QT component as well.)
posted by filmgeek at 8:48 PM on January 3, 2009