I want to sit on a giant upholstered cinnamon roll again!
January 1, 2009 8:51 PM

Random '80s furniture item filter: When I was a kid, we had what was basically a giant upholstered cinnamon roll that you could sit on.

I think it was called a "Tushtoo" or something like that. (Googling every possible way of spelling it has been in vain.) It was a tweedy brown colored thing that I think might have been inflatable, I don't remember for sure. What I do know for sure is that it was awesome and I really, really want to find one now.

Any hive mind magic would be greatly appreciated.
posted by missjenny to Home & Garden (5 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
I grew up with something we called a hassock. Most of the google results don't look like what mine did, but this is close-ish (ours was much wider, but also made of leather). It was a stuffed with what was basically a giant cloth bag full of cut up pieces of foam. I think my parents bought it in Morocco in the 1970s though, so I'm not sure it's the 80s furniture item you're thinking of.
posted by needs more cowbell at 9:01 PM on January 1, 2009

Try googling ottoman or pouf. Here are some (contemporary) examples.
posted by Kerasia at 9:01 PM on January 1, 2009

Thanks for the responses. I realized I wasn't totally clear in my question. If I remember correctly, this thing was like a tube that you shaped into a spiral and then sat on it.
posted by missjenny at 9:05 PM on January 1, 2009

This is new, and expensive, but is it a similar concept? Just for a little more frame of reference...
posted by cabingirl at 6:44 AM on January 2, 2009

@cabingirl - yes that is very close! i don't remember it having such defined sausage links, but that is definitely close in that it's a tube that spirals into a seating arrangement. It was also big enough for a couple of people to sit on at the same time. And, knowing my parents and the fact that they bought this thing at the San Diego County Fair in the '80s, it wasn't nearly so expensive.
posted by missjenny at 9:16 AM on January 2, 2009

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