Percentage breakdown of major Flash versions in GA?
November 17, 2008 8:28 AM

Easy way to determine major Flash version percentages in Google Analytics?

GA provides a breakdown of Flash versions for all users, but each sub-version is listed independently. This makes it difficult to get a quick list of percentages for the major versions. Is there some preference I'm missing? Alternatively, would there be an easy way to tease out this data if I export to, say, Excel?

So instead of getting something like:

9.0 r124 55.56%
10.0 r12 16.13%
9.0 r115 14.24%
9.0 r47 11.57%
9.0 r28 5.12%
8.0 r22 3.73%
9.0 r19 2.33%

I want:

10 12%
9 55%
8 22%
posted by gwint to Computers & Internet (1 answer total)
Adobe publishes it's own list that's easier to read, but it only updates quarterly, so no Flash 10 stats yet.
posted by Ookseer at 11:38 AM on November 17, 2008

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