Can a seller pay closing costs for a buyer with and HPAP loan?
October 24, 2008 1:25 PM

Anyone gotten an HPAP loan in DC? I'm buying a condo and the seller is wiling to pay my closing costs. However, the big question is will HPAP let someone pay my closing cost for me? I can't find any documentation for this online. Any general words of wisdom about HPAP would be appreciated. Also, any info on the Bond program would be great. I am buying in a neighborhood that qualifies.
posted by i_love_squirrels to Law & Government (1 answer total)
FYI for anyone who is interested, I found out that the seller cannot pay the closing costs for HPAP loan recipients. They can, however, pay other fees and costs such as points.
posted by i_love_squirrels at 6:57 AM on November 24, 2008

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