Your U.S. election is for our entertainment and L.A. is the capital of entertainment
October 22, 2008 12:07 PM

So this turned in to a trip to L.A. instead, but the premise is the same: A friend and I are coming over on holiday for two weeks (from this Sunday the 26th until Thursday the 6th of November) to catch the festivities surrounding the election of Obama for president.

So this time the questions are more concrete:

1. Where to stay?
I'm currently scouring Couchsurfing, but other suggestions of not-too-expensive hotels or hostels where one can meet people are very welcome. We're looking for a place centrally located where there is something going on.

2. How to meet people
We've signed up at the Obama campaign website and received an invite for some HQ opening, but we're also considering just volunteering. Do we just go to the office and join or do we need to do something else? Will there be anything do to (since CA is not exactly a swing state)?

3. How to get around?
Since this is L.A. we probably need a car. Any recommendations for good places/companies to rent with? We're looking for cheap cheap.

4. What to do?
Any other suggestions for places to party and meet people are very welcome.
posted by bering to Travel & Transportation (3 answers total)
While you are there be sure to visit West Hollywood's Halloween Carnaval. The main event is the Carnaval and Parade on Friday (October 31), 6:00 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. on Santa Monica Blvd. (between Doheny and La Cienega). It's huge, fun and not-to-be-missed.

BTW -- here are the locations/details of L.A.-based Obama offices (Los Angeles Office - CA HQ, South Los Angeles Office, East Los Angeles Office and Santa Monica/West Los Angeles Office). Check in with these folks (call, e-mail visit) to offer up your assistance.) Be sure to ask them for details of any Obama Rallys planned for Election Night.
posted by ericb at 1:42 PM on October 22, 2008

posted by ericb at 1:42 PM on October 22, 2008

If you're in the mood for ice cream, Scoops (the best ice cream shop in Los Angeles) will be holding their Flavors for Change Obama Ice Cream Social on October 28th.

Also, not to self-link, but there's a MetaFilter meetup happening November 1st.
posted by Parasite Unseen at 2:38 PM on October 22, 2008

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