Who else makes high quality 220-240V voltage regulators?
October 10, 2008 8:58 AM

Electrical engineering / voltage regulatorfilter: I'm searching for manufacturer or vendor sources on high quality, 220V to 240V automatic voltage regulators. This is for use with telecommunications/GSM/ISP equipment in the third world. Any other advice related to the subject will also be greatly appreciated.

In the past my firm has used the 3kVA 230V single phase unit from TSI Power (PDF link) which works nicely. It comes in a standalone unit or a 3U rackmount enclosure about 20 inches deep. However, it's relatively expensive and doesn't have any sort of monitoring display on the front, just three LEDs for online/status/fault. It's also a build-to-order item versus something that we can order off the shelf from a wholesaler, like most UPS units in the 1kVA to 6kVA size range.

For those of you who have traveled in Asia and seen the <> breaker panel --> 3kVA or 5KVA voltage regulator --> TrippLite true online UPS --> equipment). The generator is extremely reliable and well maintained, but with a transfer switch the system can also be run from city power supplies, which have brownout and fluctuation problems.

posted by thewalrus to Technology (1 answer total)
I can't advise, but there is a company in New Zealand specializing in that equipment, they're part of Eaton.
posted by -harlequin- at 10:52 AM on October 10, 2008

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