Manage my inventory!
October 8, 2008 7:57 AM

Inventory management software for start up, on-line clothing retailer. Recommendations please.

I need to do some research in order to choose an off the shelf solution for retail inventory management. The need is for an on-line clothing retailer. This is not mom and pop - this has solid money behind it and a serious management team that expects to take this global. Initial needs are small but the intent is to scale large within 6 months to a year.

I need a package that can integrate with Drupal from the e-commerce side and has a good, easy and customizable interface for the warehouse side. Open source is acceptable but we can also pay. I am starting from zero here as we had initially contracted a vendor to develop a homegrown solution for us but they have proven unfit for the task. We do not have a POS.

Any ideas?
posted by spicynuts to Technology (1 answer total)
Here's a pay option: CORESense does both POS and inventory management, as well as provides a pretty modular online store. Don't know about drupal integration, but... One thing that is nice about CORESense is that it's a SAAS (software as a service), so that you pay for the service by volume. So it scales for smaller stuff today up to global domination. I am not affiliated with the company--they're just a successful local tech company that I've run across.
posted by zpousman at 8:16 AM on October 8, 2008

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