Bonus Question: Does Splash Woman make this less Boyzone, or more?
October 1, 2008 9:44 PM

So... is there a consensus yet on the best Boss Order for Mega Man 9 yet?

Not just considering the RPS of the bosses themselves, but also the utility of the tools in these punishingly hard levels?
posted by Navelgazer to Sports, Hobbies, & Recreation (7 answers total) 1 user marked this as a favorite
And circle gets the square.

Just one opinion, apparently.

Linked to from Nintendo Wii Fanboy.
posted by disillusioned at 1:38 AM on October 2, 2008

Start with Galaxy Man. He's by far the easiest boss to take down (although Splash Woman does take more damage from the Mega Buster). Then go around the circle prescribed above.
posted by svolix at 2:55 AM on October 2, 2008

I personally did Galaxy man when my roommate declared, "he looks the stupidest, start with him", and was shocked when I actually beat him on my first set of lives.

I then spent 2 days dying, till I found a similar chart to what disillusioned linked. Cleared the rest only dying half as often while using that order.
posted by nerhael at 7:07 AM on October 2, 2008

I did Galaxy Man first, too. Definitely the easiest boss/level. I beat concrete man right after, and I haven't played since then.
posted by azarbayejani at 7:59 AM on October 2, 2008

Take care of Hornet Man early if you can. The level is hard, but the weapon is worth it: you can shoot bees, and they bring dropped powerups back to you!
posted by Metroid Baby at 7:51 PM on October 5, 2008

I had more problems with the levels than the bosses, but the Galaxy Man and Magma Man levels were the ones I could beat without stocking up on power-ups from the shop. Whatever weapons you have, you can get through pretty much all of them with one or two energy tanks.

Hornet Man's bee shooter (sic, I know, it's the Hornet Chaser), like Metroid Baby says, is tremendously useful. Not only can it get items that are otherwise unreachable (including 1-ups), but you can fight bosses while running away from them. You just just shoot some bees, let the bees find the target, and focus on defense.

If you have trouble with jumping puzzles like I do, I recommend you wait until you beat five levels before you take on the Tornado Man stage. By then, you'll get the Rush Jet, and can just cruise over that long section with the spinning platforms and spikes.
posted by ignignokt at 8:14 AM on October 6, 2008

Whatever weapons you have, you can get through pretty much all of them with one or two energy tanks.

By "them," I meant boss fights, not levels.
posted by ignignokt at 8:15 AM on October 6, 2008

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